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(706)recv msg fail -1connection close!connection accepted,client(! (414)ReadData fail,errno is 0!2025-03-260 0 12
(289)ittb_stream run success![RECVCFG]:bind ok! ==================================web server accept the livesmmz_userdev:ioctl_mmb_alloc: tream message read_idx is 259 content isGET http://192.168.hil_mmb_alloc(pqt_mbuf, 2073600, 0x0, 0, ) failed!1.100:80/livestream/0?action=play&media=video_audio_data HTTP/1.1Cseq: 1User-Agent: Hisilicon Streaming Media Client/1.0.0(May 13 2019)Connection: Keep-AliveCache-Control: no-cacheTransport: RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;interleaved=0-1 ==================================[Func]:HI_MPI_SYS_MmzAlloc_Cached [Line]:913 [Info]:System alloc mmz memory failed!2025-03-240 0 20
pqtools:begin to runopen sys: No such file or directorythe s32Result is -1g_bUseSpecAWB is 0open isp device error!: No such file or directoryopen isp device error!: No such file or directory (744)no isp started! (211)HI_PQT_Function_Init failed!2025-03-224 0 72
