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[]-(1271)HI_MPI_VENC_CreateChn(a008800c) []-(1785)ITTB_InitVPSS err venc_comm:venc_chn:1 venc_comm:BufCnt:1 []-(627)ITTB_MppInit err []-(1156)ITTB_StartMedia ERR pqtools:begin to run port is : 4321 bind ok! pqtools:server(port:4321)begin to listen the s32Result is 1 --------------welcome to HI_HAL_ISP_GetISPRegAttr---------------- 查询错误码:HI_ERR_VENC_NOMEM 分配内存失败,如系统内存不足; 有人遇到这个问题吗?2016-09-020 0 2409
连接HiPQ工具后Log信息: [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [rc_param / LostStrategy] [ERROR] Failed to process this request: ReadRegs:get SDK MPI failed! (Address: 0xFF040004) [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [rc_param / SuperFrameCfg] [INFO] Start processing request. CMD=10, Address=0xFF040005 [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [rc_param / SuperFrameCfg] [ERROR] Failed to process this request: ReadRegs:get SDK MPI failed! (Address: 0xFF040005) [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [H264] [INFO] Start processing request. CMD=10, Address=0xFF040002 [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [H264] [ERROR] Failed to process this request: ReadRegs:get SDK MPI failed! (Address: 0xFF040002) [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [VENC_ex / Intra Refresh] [INFO] Start processing request. CMD=10, Address=0xFF040006 [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [VENC_ex / Intra Refresh] [ERROR] Failed to process this request: ReadRegs:get SDK MPI failed! (Address: 0xFF040006) [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [VENC_ex / ROI_Cfg_Index] [INFO] Start processing request. CMD=10, Address=0xFF040010 [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [VENC_ex / ROI_Cfg_Index] [INFO] Received 4 bytes of data (Package: 1/1), checksum = 0x0 OK [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [VENC_ex / ROI_Cfg_Index] [INFO] Successfully processed request. [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [VENC_ex / ROIConfig] [INFO] Start processing request. CMD=10, Address=0xFF040007 [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [VENC_ex / ROIConfig] [ERROR] Failed to process this request: ReadRegs:get SDK MPI failed! (Address: 0xFF040007) [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [VENC_ex / ROIBG_Frame_Rate] [INFO] Start processing request. CMD=10, Address=0xFF040008 [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [VENC_ex / ROIBG_Frame_Rate] [ERROR] Failed to process this request: ReadRegs:get SDK MPI failed! (Address: 0xFF040008) [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [VENC_ex / Color2Grey] [INFO] Start processing request. CMD=10, Address=0xFF040009 [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [VENC_ex / Color2Grey] [ERROR] Failed to process this request: ReadRegs:get SDK MPI failed! (Address: 0xFF040009) [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [VENC_ex / REF_EX] [INFO] Start processing request. CMD=10, Address=0xFF04000A [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [VENC_ex / REF_EX] [ERROR] Failed to process this request: ReadRegs:get SDK MPI failed! (Address: 0xFF04000A) [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [] [INFO] Start processing request. CMD=10, Address=0xFF031800 [2016/08/31 18:07:30] [NET] [] [INFO] Received 51 bytes of data (Package: 1/1), checksum = 0x490 OK 这些东西,不太懂啊; 板端的: []-(2120)HI_GetMpi data failed! connection close! connection accepted,client(! pqtools:pq command cmd = 10 add = ff040005 len = 16 HI_MPI_VENC_GetSuperFrameCfg is err 0xa0088005 End GetApi []-(2120)HI_GetMpi data failed! connection close! connection accepted,client(! pqtools:pq command cmd = 10 add = ff040002 len = 228 HI_MPI_VENC_GetChnAttr is error:0xa0088005 End GetApi []-(2120)HI_GetMpi data failed! connection close! connection accepted,client(! pqtools:pq command cmd = 10 add = ff040006 len = 16 HI_MPI_VENC_GetIntraRefresh is err 0xa0088005 End GetApi []-(2120)HI_GetMpi data failed! connection close! connection accepted,client(! pqtools:pq command cmd = 10 add = ff040010 len = 4 End GetApi ---------------s32RetVal = 13 read regs successfully! connection close! connection accepted,client(! pqtools:pq command cmd = 10 add = ff040007 len = 28 HI_MPI_VENC_GetRoiCfg is err 0xa0088005 End GetApi []-(2120)HI_GetMpi data failed! connection close! connection accepted,client(! pqtools:pq command cmd = 10 add = ff040008 len = 8 HI_MPI_VENC_GetRoiBgFrameRate is err 0xa0088005 End GetApi []-(2120)HI_GetMpi data failed! connection close! connection accepted,client(! pqtools:pq command cmd = 10 add = ff040009 len = 4 HI_MPI_VENC_GetColor2Grey is err 0xa0088005 End GetApi []-(2120)HI_GetMpi data failed! connection close! connection accepted,client(! pqtools:pq command cmd = 10 add = ff04000a len = 24 HI_MPI_VENC_GetRefParamEx is err 0xa0088005 End GetApi []-(2120)HI_GetMpi data failed! connection close! connection accepted,client(! pqtools:pq command cmd = 10 add = ff031800 len = 51 End GetApi ---------------s32RetVal = 60 read regs successfully! connection close! connection accepted,client(! pqtools:pq command cmd = 0 add = b6c1fb00 len = 4 ----------- u32OrgBit = 8, u32EndBit = 15, bSigned = 0 ----------- ---------------s32RetVal = 13 read reg successfully! 这种; 求助论坛大神看一下2016-08-315 0 5896
本帖最后由 zephyr 于 2016-8-18 13:36 编辑 新手,对很多东西不是很清楚,求助论坛; 1.在使用海思Hi3518E的影像调试工具HiPQ时,需要在开发板上安装板端软件。我通过NFS将mpp/ko文件夹mount到了单板文件系统中的/mnt上,同样把SDK包里的Hi35XX_PQ_VX.X.X.X.tgz解压并挂载到单板的/mnt目录上。但当运行mpp/ko中的load3518e脚本时,发生错误: mmz_start: 0x2000000, mmz_size: 32M rmmod: ERROR: Module tlv_320aic31 is not currently loaded rmmod: ERROR: Module hi3518e_adec is not currently loaded 这类错误等等,之后还有 rmmod: ERROR: Module hi3518e_sys is not currently loaded rmmod: ERROR: Module hi3518e_base is not currently loaded ./pinmux_hi3518e.sh: line 98: himm: command not found ./pinmux_hi3518e.sh: line 100: himm: command not found 还有这些东西: sysctl_hi3518e.sh: line 67: himm: command not found sysctl_hi3518e.sh: line 70: himm: command not found 看之前的帖子,[url=http://www.ebaina.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4695&highlight=himm]http://www.ebaina.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4695&highlight=himm[/url] 安装himm工具的时候,又报错: [root@localhost reg-tools-1.0.0]# ./Makefile ./Makefile: line 9: ifndef: command not found ./Makefile: line 10: CHIP: command not found ./Makefile: line 11: endif: command not found ./Makefile: line 13: ifndef: command not found ./Makefile: line 14: OSDRV_CROSS: command not found ./Makefile: line 15: endif: command not found ./Makefile: line 17: TOOL_BIN: command not found ./Makefile: line 20: OSDRV_CROSS: command not found 等等。 不知道怎么办了,求助论坛。 PS:板端工具的启动脚本./HiIspTool.sh当然也是不能运行,彻底没办法了,啥都不懂。2016-08-1814 0 9384
