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使用适配SDK编译起来的hi3516cv610 uboot烧不进去
make LIB_TYPE=musl CHIP=hi3516cv610 DEBUG=0 gslboot_build
################ —— 10%
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################ —— 31%
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################ —— 52%
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###### —— 100%
wait boot running!
System startup
Uncompress Ok!
U-Boot 2022.07 (Sep 23 2024 - 12:36:49 +0800)hi3516cv610
DRAM: Relocation Offset is: 0278f000
Relocating to 43f8f000, new gd at 43b4eed0, sp at 43b4eeb0
Core: 1 devices, 1 uclasses
SPI Nor: Boot Media isn’t SPI Nor
NAND: fmc_ip_ver_check(32): Check Flash Memory Controller v100 …fmc_ip_ver_check(38): Found
SPI Nand ID Table Version 2.7
SPI Nand(cs 0) ID: 0xe5 0xf1 Name:”DS35Q1GB-IB”
Block:128KB Page:2KB OOB:128B ECC:24bit/1K
Chipsize:128 MiB
Loading Environment from SPIFlash… Boot Media isn’t SPI Nor
* Warning - spi_flash_probe() failed, using default environment
Loading Environment from NAND… * Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
boot table board switch:0x00000000
boot table version :V0.2
boot table build time :2024/08/09 08:14:40
boot table file name :Hi3516CV610-DMEB_4L_DDR3_2133M_128MB_16bit-A7_950M_QFN.xlsm
System startup
Uncompress Ok!
U-Boot 2022.07 (Aug 09 2024 - 08:14:44 +0000)hi3516cv610-debug
DRAM: Relocation Offset is: 02785000
Relocating to 43f85000, new gd at 43b44ed0, sp at 43b44eb0
Core: 1 devices, 1 uclasses
SPI Nor: Boot Media isn’t SPI Nor
NAND: fmc_ip_ver_check(32): Check Flash Memory Controller v100 …fmc_ip_ver_check(38): Found
SPI Nand ID Table Version 2.7
SPI Nand(cs 0) ID: 0xe5 0xf1 Name:”DS35Q1GB-IB”
Block:128KB Page:2KB OOB:128B ECC:24bit/1K
Chipsize:128 MiB
Loading Environment from SPIFlash… Boot Media isn’t SPI Nor
* Warning - spi_flash_probe() failed, using default environment
Loading Environment from NAND… * Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: eth0
Error: eth0 address not set.
Failed to wait boot running! The possible causes are as follows:
- The DDR table or parameters are incorrect.
- DDR hardware soldering is abnormal.
- The board uses spi nand, but the media=nand parameter is used for compilation.
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