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EB-SS928-DC-393型开发板 resnet50_firstapp模型转化失败
执行命令:atc —model=model/resnet50.prototxt —weight=model/resnet50.caffemodel —framework=0 —output=model/resnet50 —soc_version=Ascend310
— CANN 版本: 6.0.RC1.alpha003
— opencv-python 版本:
— Python 版本: 3.11.3
— 操作系统版本 : Ubuntu 18.04
ATC start working now, please wait for a moment.
:1049: ImportWarning: TBEMetaPathFinder.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
:1049: ImportWarning: TBEMetaPathFinder.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
:1049: ImportWarning: TBEMetaPathFinder.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
:1049: ImportWarning: TBEMetaPathFinder.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
:1049: ImportWarning: TBEMetaPathFinder.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
:1049: ImportWarning: TBEMetaPathFinder.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
:1049: ImportWarning: TBEMetaPathFinder.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
:1049: ImportWarning: TBEMetaPathFinder.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
:1049: ImportWarning: TBEMetaPathFinder.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
:1049: ImportWarning: TBEMetaPathFinder.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
:1049: ImportWarning: TBEMetaPathFinder.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
:1049: ImportWarning: TBEMetaPathFinder.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
ATC run failed, Please check the detail log, Try ‘atc —help’ for more information
EZ3002: Optype [Conv2D] of Ops kernel [AIcoreEngine] is unsupported. Reason: [tbe-custom]:op type Conv2D is not found in this op store.[tbe-builtin]:[Static shape check]:.
Possible Cause: The operator type is unsupported in the operator information library due to specification mismatch.
Solution: Submit an issue to request for support at https://gitee.com/ascend, or remove this type of operators from your model.
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [conv1], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res2a_branch1], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res2a_branch2a], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res2a_branch2b], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res2a_branch2c], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res2b_branch2a], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res2b_branch2b], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res2b_branch2c], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res2c_branch2a], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res2c_branch2b], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res2c_branch2c], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res3a_branch1], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res3a_branch2a], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res3a_branch2b], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res3a_branch2c], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res3b_branch2a], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res3b_branch2b], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res3b_branch2c], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res3c_branch2a], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res3c_branch2b], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res3c_branch2c], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res3d_branch2a], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res3d_branch2b], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res3d_branch2c], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4a_branch1], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4a_branch2a], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4a_branch2b], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4a_branch2c], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4b_branch2a], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4b_branch2b], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4b_branch2c], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4c_branch2a], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4c_branch2b], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4c_branch2c], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4d_branch2a], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4d_branch2b], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4d_branch2c], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4e_branch2a], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4e_branch2b], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4e_branch2c], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4f_branch2a], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4f_branch2b], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res4f_branch2c], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res5a_branch1], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res5a_branch2a], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res5a_branch2b], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res5a_branch2c], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res5b_branch2a], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res5b_branch2b], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res5b_branch2c], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res5c_branch2a], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res5c_branch2b], optype [Conv2D].
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [res5c_branch2c], optype [Conv2D].
Optype [FullyConnection] of Ops kernel [AIcoreEngine] is unsupported. Reason: [tbe-custom]:op type FullyConnection is not found in this op store.[tbe-builtin]:[Static shape check]:.
No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [fc1000], optype [FullyConnection].
build graph failed, graph id:0, ret:-1[FUNC:BuildModel][FILE:ge_generator.cc][LINE:1496]
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