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RV1126 rkmedia移动侦测例子测试出错
[root@RV1126_RV1109:/demo]# ./rkmedia_vi_md_test
media get entity by name: rkcif-lvds-subdev is null
media get entity by name: rkcif-lite-lvds-subdev is null
media get entity by name: rkisp-mpfbc-subdev is null
media get entity by name: rkisp_dmapath is null
media get entity by name: rockchip-mipi-dphy-rx is null
Rga built version:1.04 +2022-06-07 08:07:18
CameraIdx: 0
RKMEDIA Log level: 2
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:text is all=2
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:module is all, log_level is 2
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RK_MPI_VI_EnableChn: Enable VI[0:1]:rkispp_scale0, 640x480 Start…
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RKAIQ: parsing /dev/media0
media get entity by name: rkcif-lvds-subdev is null
media get entity by name: rkcif-lite-lvds-subdev is null
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RKAIQ: parsing /dev/media1
media get entity by name: rkisp-mpfbc-subdev is null
media get entity by name: rkisp_dmapath is null
media get entity by name: rockchip-mipi-dphy-rx is null
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RKAIQ: model(rkisp0): isp_info(0): isp-subdev entity name: /dev/v4l-subdev5
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RKAIQ: parsing /dev/media2
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RKAIQ: model(rkispp0): ispp_info(0): ispp-subdev entity name: /dev/v4l-subdev0
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:#V4l2Stream: camraID:0, Device:rkispp_scale0
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Warn]:camera_id: 0, chn: rkispp_scale0
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Warn]:camera_id: 0, chn: rkispp_scale0, idx: 0
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:#V4l2Stream: camera id:0, VideoNode:/dev/video19
[ 902.799864] rkispp0: scale0:0x0 out of range:
[ 902.799864] [wUsing mplane plugin for capture
idth max:3264 ratio max:8 min:1]
[ 902.799930] rkispp0: scale0:0x0 out of range:
[ 902.799930] [width max:2080 ratio max:8 min:1]
[ 902.799947] rkispp0: scale0:0x0 out of range:
[ 902.799947] [width max:3264 ratio max:[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:#V4L2Ct8x: open /dev/video19, fd 5
nfo][:Opened DRM device /dev/dri/c ard0: driver rockchip versio9n 2.0.0.
02.799962] rkispp0: scale0:0x0 out of range:
[ 902.799962] [width max:3264 ratio max:8 min:1]
[ 902.799977] rkispp0: scale0:0x0 out of range:
[ 902.799977] [width max:3264 ratio max:8 min:1]
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RK_MPI_VI_EnableChn: Enable VI[0:1]:rkispp_scale0, 640x480 End…
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RK_MPI_ALGO_MD_CreateChn: Enable MD[0] Start…
move_detec is not Integrated
ERROR: MoveDetection Create failed!
[RKMEDIA][VI][Info]:#SourceStreamFlow[SourceFlow:v4l2_capture_stream]: stream off….
[RKMEDIA][VI][Info]:#SourceStreamFlow[SourceFlow:v4l2_capture_stream]: read thread exit sucessfully!
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:#V4L2Ctx: close , fd 5
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:#V4L2Stream: v4l2 ctx reset to nullptr!
[RKMEDIA][VI][Info]:#SourceStreamFlow[SourceFlow:v4l2_capture_stream]: stream reset sucessfully!
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:SourceFlow:v4l2_capture_stream quit
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53519dv500接lvds的sensor mn34120,图像出现很多竖线,sensor板接以前的3519v101没问题
5SS928点DC camera的6946,全屏紫色
5hi3519 的 网络传输的MTU值可以修改到比1500大嘛?
5SS928/SD3403 录像失败 venc stream time out, exit thread; venc 2 stream buffer is full
10谁有RV1126 最新版本SDK卖吗?
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