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进入系统之后,执行rkmedia_vi_venc_test -a /oem/etc/iqfiles -c 100命令,会卡死,然后系统就重启了。这个哪位大神知道是什么原因?
[root@RV1126_RV1109:/oem/usr/bin]# ./rkmedia_vi_venc_test -a /oem/etc/iqfiles/ -
c 100
media get entity by name: rkcif-lvds-subdev is null
media get entity by name: rkcif-lite-lvds-subdev is null
media get entity by name: stream_cif is null
media get entity by name: rkcif-dvp-sof is null
media get entity by name: rkisp-mpfbc-subdev is null
media get entity by name: rkisp_dmapath is null
media get entity by name: rockchip-mipi-dphy-rx is null
media get entity by name: rkcif_dvp is null
media get entity by name: rkcif_dvp is null
media get entity by name: rkcif_lite_mipi_lvds is null
[00:04:38.516573][CAMHW]:XCAM ERROR CamHwIsp20.cpp:986: No free isp&ispp needed by fake camera!
Rga built version:1.04 356036d+2021-08-24 16:25:10
Device: rkispp_scale0
Resolution: 1920x1080
Frame Count to save: 100
Output Path: (null)
CameraIdx: 0
bMultictx: 0
Aiq xml dirpath: /oem/etc/iqfiles/
ID: 0, sensor_name is m00_f_gc4663 1-0029, iqfiles is /oem/etc/iqfiles/
[ 279.099526] clk_mipicsi_out2io_fracdiv p_rate(297000000) is low than rate(24000000)*20, use integer or half-div
[00:04:39.120622][CAMHW]:XCAM ERROR Isp20PollThread.cpp:959: can’t search id 0, _effecting_exp_mapsize is 0
[00:04:39.121055][CAMHW]:XCAM ERROR Isp20PollThread.cpp:959: can’t search id 1, _effecting_exp_mapsize is 0
rk_aiq_uapi_sysctl_init/prepare succeed
[ 279.163114] rkcif_mipi_lvds: Allocate dummy buffer, size: 0x00492000
[ 279.163785] rockchip-mipi-csi2 ffb10000.mipi-csi2: stream on, src_sd: 9af9747a, sd_name:rockchip-mipi-dphy-rx
[ 279.163802] rockchip-mipi-csi2 ffb10000.mipi-csi2: stream ON
[ 279.163832] rockchip-mipi-dphy-rx ff4b8000.csi-dphy: stream on:1
[ 279.163849] rockchip-mipi-dphy-rx: data_rate_mbps 648
[ 279.164890] rockchip-mipi-dphy-rx ff4b8000.csi-dphy: stream on:1
rk_aiq_uapi_sysctl_start succeed
SAMPLE_COMM_ISP_SetFrameRate start 30
RKMEDIA Log level: 2
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:text is all=2
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:module is all, log_level is 2
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RK_MPI_VI_EnableChn: Enable VI[0:0]:rkispp_scale0, 1920x1080 Start…
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RKAIQ: parsing /dev/media0
media get entity by name: rkcif-lvds-subdev is null
media get entity by name: rkcif-lite-lvds-subdev is null
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RKAIQ: parsing /dev/media1
media get entity by name: rkisp-mpfbc-subdev is null
media get entity by name: rkisp_dmapath is null
media get entity by name: rockchip-mipi-dphy-rx is null
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RKAIQ: model(rkisp0): isp_info(0): isp-subdev entity name: /dev/v4l-subdev4
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RKAIQ: parsing /dev/media2
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RKAIQ: model(rkispp0): ispp_info(0): ispp-subdev entity name: /dev/v4l-subdev0
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:#V4l2Stream: camraID:0, Device:rkispp_scale0
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Warn]:camera_id: 0, chn: rkispp_scale0
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Warn]:camera_id: 0, chn: rkispp_scale0, idx: 0
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:#V4l2Stream: camera id:0, VideoNode:/dev/video19
[ 279.236715] rkispp0: scale0:0x0 out of range:
279.236715] [width max:3264 ratio max:8 min:1Usin]g
mpl[a n e2 7p9l.u2371in for capture
91] rkispp0: scale0:0x0 out of range:
[ 279.237191] [width max:2080 ratio max:8 min:1]
[ 279.237214] rkispp0: sca[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:#V4L2Ctx: open /dev/video19, fd 90
le0:0x0 out of range:
[ 279.237214] [width max:3264 ratio max:8 min:1]
[ 279.237233] rkispp0: scale0:0x0 out of range:
[ 279.237233] [width max:3264 ratio max:8 min:1]
[ 279.237251] rkispp0: scale0:0x0 out of range:
[ 279.237251] [width max:3264 ratio max:8 min:1]
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RK_MPI_VI_EnableChn: Enable VI[0:0]:rkispp_scale0, 1920x1080 End…
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RK_MPI_VENC_CreateChn: Enable VENC[0], Type:6 Start…
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Error]:ParseMediaConfigFromMap: rect_x = 0, rect_y = 0, rect.w = 1920, rect.h = 1080
mpp[157]: mpp_rt: NOT found ion allocator
mpp[157]: mpp_rt: found drm allocator
mpp[157]: mpp_info: mpp version: cee0762 author: Herman Chen 2021-05-07 [mpp_mem_pool]: Fix destruction error on Android
[RKMEDIA][VENC][Info]:MPP Encoder: MPPConfig: cfg init sucess!
[RKMEDIA][VENC][Info]:MPP Encoder: qpMaxi use default value:48
[RKMEDIA][VENC][Info]:MPP Encoder: qpMini use default value:8
[RKMEDIA][VENC][Info]:MPP Encoder: qpMax use default value:48
[RKMEDIA][VENC][Info]:MPP Encoder: qpMin use default value:8
[RKMEDIA][VENC][Info]:MPP Encoder: qpInit use default value:-1
[RKMEDIA][VENC][Info]:MPP Encoder: qpStep use default value:2
[RKMEDIA][VENC][Info]:MPP Encoder: rect_x use default value:0
[RKMEDIA][VENC][Info]:MPP Encoder: rect_y use default value:0
[RKMEDIA][VENC][Info]:MPP Encoder: rotaion = 0
[RKMEDIA][VENC][Info]:MPP Encoder: automatically calculate bsp with bps_target
[RKMEDIA][VENC][Info]:MPP Encoder: Set output block mode.
[RKMEDIA][VENC][Info]:MPP Encoder: Set input block mode.
[RKMEDIA][VENC][Info]:MPP Encoder: bps:[2304000,2073600,1843200] fps: [30/1]->[30/1], gop:30 qpInit:-1, qpMin:8, qpMax:48, qpMinI:8, qpMaxI:48.
[RKMEDIA][VENC][Info]:MPP Encoder: AVC: encode profile 77 level 0
mpp[157]: mpp_enc: MPP_ENC_SET_RC_CFG bps 2073600 [1843200 : 2304000] fps [30:30] gop 30
mpp[157]: h264e_api_v2: MPP_ENC_SET_PREP_CFG w:h [1920:1080] stride [1920:1080]
mpp[157]: mpp_enc: send header for set cfg change input/format
[RKMEDIA][VENC][Info]:MPP Encoder: w x h(1920[1920] x 1080[1080])
mpp[157]: mpp_enc: mode cbr bps [1843200:2073600:2304000] fps fix [30/1] -> fix [30/1] gop i [30] v [0]
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RK_MPI_VENC_CreateChn: Enable VENC[0], Type:6 End…
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:RK_MPI_SYS_Bind: Bind Mode[VI]:Chn[0] to Mode[VENC]:Chn[0]…
main initial finish
[RKMEDIA][SYS][Info]:Output first frame
mpp[157]: h264e_sps: set level to 4
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