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Hi3519A V100运行sample有问题
在运行Hi3519A V100开发板提供的自带的sample_vio_main的案例的时候,发现显示屏为蓝屏,输入源为4k60hz,输出为4k30hz,输入源笔记本、相机都试过了,但是都报下面的错误,希望有哪个大神能够指导我一下帮助我一下。
1970-01-01 00:15:24.358 info | caster_init(554)
ai(0,0) bind to ao(0,0) ok
[SAMPLE_COMM_VI_SetMipiAttr]-1909: ============= MipiDev 1, SetMipiAttr enWDRMode: 0
[SAMPLE_COMM_VI_SetMipiAttr]-1909: ============= MipiDev 3, SetMipiAttr enWDRMode: 0
[SAMhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
PLE_COMM_VI_SetMipiAttr]-1909: ============= MipiDev 0, SetMipiAttr enhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
WDRMode: 0
linear mode
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Linhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
e]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Lhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
ine]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:1hibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
35 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]hibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Ihibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
nfo]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 hibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
[Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]hibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Infhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
o]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2Chibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:Ihibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRIhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
TE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_Whibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
RITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE Dhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
ATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITEhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA hibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATAhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA errorhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA errhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[hibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Fhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
unc]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Funhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
c]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]hibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:ihibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
mx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_hibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx33hibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
4_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_writhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
e_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_wrihibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
te_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_reghibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
ister [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_rhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
egister [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_registehibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
r [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_regishibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
ter [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Lhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
ine]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register hibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
[Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]hibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Linhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
e]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135hibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
[Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:1hibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
35 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Infhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
o]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Ihibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
nfo]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:Ihibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]hibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_Whibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
RITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2Chibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
_WRITE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITEhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRIhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
TE DATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DAThibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
A error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE Dhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
ATA error!
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA erhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA erhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA errhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA errhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA errhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA errhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA errhibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
hibvt-i2c 4561000.i2c: wait idle abort!, RIS: 0x611
[Func]:imx334_write_register [Line]:135 [Info]:I2C_WRITE DATA error!
===Imx334 8M30fps 12bit LINE Init OK!===
[SAMPLE_COMM_ISP_Thread]-232: ISP Dev 0 running !
H265, rtsp node name: chn0
width:3840, height:2160, fps:60
H265, rtsp node name: chn1
width:3840, height:2160, fps:60
[SAMPLE_COMM_VO_StartChn]-544: u32Width:3840, u32Height:2160, u32Square:2
———————-press Enter key to exit!———————-
SAMPLE_COMM_AUDIO_AiProc: get ai frame select time out
[SAMPLE_COMM_VENC_GetVencStreamProc]-1904: get venc stream time out, exit thread
[SAMPLE_COMM_VENC_GetVencStreamProc]-1904: get venc stream time out, exit thread
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