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魏学洢 《核舟记》
The Peach-Stone Boat
Wei Xueyi
In the Ming Dynasty a marvellous craftsman, Wang Shuyuan by name, was capable ofcarving on a piece of wood, one cun in diameter, palaces, vessels, persons, even birds, beasts,forest and stones, all following the configuration of the wood to bring out the differentshapes, each having its distinctive features. He gave me a boat cut on a nutshell as a gift,which presented the scene of Su Dongpo’s boating at the Red Cliff.
The boat is eight-odd fen in length from prow to stern and is about the height of twograins. The wider and higher part in the middle is the hold covered with a bamboo awning. Eachside of the boat is furnished with four small windows, eight for both. Through an openedwindow one can see two decorated railings facing each other. When the windows are closed,one reads on the right: "The mountain is high and the moon looks small; the water subsidesand the stones stand out.", while on the left the couplet reads: "A fresh breeze is gentlyblowing and the waves are utterly calm." All the words are coloured in azurite.
The prow is occupied by three men. The one in the middle, wearing a tall headgear andbristling with moustache, is Su Dongpo, while the one on the right is Foyin the monk, and theone on the left is Huang Luzhi the poet. Su and Huang are perusing a scroll. The former isholding one end of it with the right hand, while stroking the latter on the back with the left.Huang in turn is holding the other end of the scroll with the left hand, pointing at it with theright, and seems to be muttering some comments. Su is showing his right leg, Huang his left.Both are slightly inclined, with their knees touching and hidden in their robes’ folds, under thescroll. The monk is the very image of a Buddha, revealing his breast and nipples and lookingup to the sky with his cocked head. His hairs and manner have nothing to do with Su andHuang, as he is seen stretching horizontally his right leg, and supported with his right arm onthe gunwale, while bending his left leg with the knee turned upward. On his left arm hangs downto the knee a string of beads, which are distinct enough to be counted one by one.
Across the stern ties an oar, manned by one boatman on each side. The one on the rightwith a cone-shaped chignon and an upturned face is leaning on a horizontal beam with theleft hand, and touching a right toe with the right, looking as if he were crying or shouting. The other on the left is holding a fan with his right hand, while laying his left hand on a stove, onwhich is put a kettle. He is looking straight at it staidly, as if he were attentive to the boilingwater.
The bottom of the boat is rather even, cut with the inscription: "Carved in the autumn ofthe year Renxu during the Tianqi period by Wang Shuyuan of Yushan". The words are as thinas mosquito legs, yet the strokes are inked and clear enough. In addition, there is a seal cut inthe Zhuan calligraphic style with the author’s cognomen: "the Mountain Recluse Chuping",coloured in Red.
To sum up, the nutshell contains one boat, five persons, eight windows, an awning, an oar,a stove, a kettle, a scroll and a string of beads, apart from couplets, inscriptions and a sealcut in the Zhuan calligraphic style, totaling thirty four ideograms. Yet the length of it is no morethan one cun. All this is done by using a selected slender and tiny nutshell.
Having scrutinized it carefully, I exclaimed with great wonder: Hey, what a miraculous feat ofart! Zhuangzi and Liezi certainly describe a great many tours de force which are as amazing asif they were the workings of gods and ghosts. But who has ever been able to operate hischisel within a substance less than one square cun in area and make the things so carveddistinct to the smallest details? If there should be someone repeating to me what I have said, Iwould also suspect him of telling a lie. But now I have seen the work with my own eyes.Judging from this, it is by no means beyond the bounds of possibility to make a she monkeyout of the end of a thorn. Hey, what a marvellous skill!
魏学洢 《核舟记》
The Peach-Stone Boat
Wei Xueyi
In the Ming Dynasty a marvellous craftsman, Wang Shuyuan by name, was capable ofcarving on a piece of wood, one cun in diameter, palaces, vessels, persons, even birds, beasts,forest and stones, all following the configuration of the wood to bring out the differentshapes, each having its distinctive features. He gave me a boat cut on a nutshell as a gift,which presented the scene of Su Dongpo’s boating at the Red Cliff.
The boat is eight-odd fen in length from prow to stern and is about the height of twograins. The wider and higher part in the middle is the hold covered with a bamboo awning. Eachside of the boat is furnished with four small windows, eight for both. Through an openedwindow one can see two decorated railings facing each other. When the windows are closed,one reads on the right: "The mountain is high and the moon looks small; the water subsidesand the stones stand out.", while on the left the couplet reads: "A fresh breeze is gentlyblowing and the waves are utterly calm." All the words are coloured in azurite.
The prow is occupied by three men. The one in the middle, wearing a tall headgear andbristling with moustache, is Su Dongpo, while the one on the right is Foyin the monk, and theone on the left is Huang Luzhi the poet. Su and Huang are perusing a scroll. The former isholding one end of it with the right hand, while stroking the latter on the back with the left.Huang in turn is holding the other end of the scroll with the left hand, pointing at it with theright, and seems to be muttering some comments. Su is showing his right leg, Huang his left.Both are slightly inclined, with their knees touching and hidden in their robes’ folds, under thescroll. The monk is the very image of a Buddha, revealing his breast and nipples and lookingup to the sky with his cocked head. His hairs and manner have nothing to do with Su andHuang, as he is seen stretching horizontally his right leg, and supported with his right arm onthe gunwale, while bending his left leg with the knee turned upward. On his left arm hangs downto the knee a string of beads, which are distinct enough to be counted one by one.
Across the stern ties an oar, manned by one boatman on each side. The one on the rightwith a cone-shaped chignon and an upturned face is leaning on a horizontal beam with theleft hand, and touching a right toe with the right, looking as if he were crying or shouting. The other on the left is holding a fan with his right hand, while laying his left hand on a stove, onwhich is put a kettle. He is looking straight at it staidly, as if he were attentive to the boilingwater.
The bottom of the boat is rather even, cut with the inscription: "Carved in the autumn ofthe year Renxu during the Tianqi period by Wang Shuyuan of Yushan". The words are as thinas mosquito legs, yet the strokes are inked and clear enough. In addition, there is a seal cut inthe Zhuan calligraphic style with the author’s cognomen: "the Mountain Recluse Chuping",coloured in Red.
To sum up, the nutshell contains one boat, five persons, eight windows, an awning, an oar,a stove, a kettle, a scroll and a string of beads, apart from couplets, inscriptions and a sealcut in the Zhuan calligraphic style, totaling thirty four ideograms. Yet the length of it is no morethan one cun. All this is done by using a selected slender and tiny nutshell.
Having scrutinized it carefully, I exclaimed with great wonder: Hey, what a miraculous feat ofart! Zhuangzi and Liezi certainly describe a great many tours de force which are as amazing asif they were the workings of gods and ghosts. But who has ever been able to operate hischisel within a substance less than one square cun in area and make the things so carveddistinct to the smallest details? If there should be someone repeating to me what I have said, Iwould also suspect him of telling a lie. But now I have seen the work with my own eyes.Judging from this, it is by no means beyond the bounds of possibility to make a she monkeyout of the end of a thorn. Hey, what a marvellous skill!

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