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[code]~ # cat /dev/log2000/01/07 22:03:43.272011 [DSP][Error][Src/common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
~ # cat /dev/logmpp
3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)![/code];
出错打印: 2000/01/07 22:04:51.608846 [DSP][Error][Src/common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
cat /proc/ummap/vi打印如下:
~ # cat /proc/umap/ai
[AI] Version: [Hi3519V101_MPP_V2.0.3.0 B060 Release], Build Time: [May 13 2017, 17:40:55]
-----AI DEV ATTR----------------------------------------------------------------
AiDev WorkMod SampR BitWid ChnCnt ClkSel SoundMod PoiNum ExFlag FrmNum
0 i2s_mas 16kHZ 16bit 1 0 mono 320 1 30
-----AI DEV STATUS0-------------------------------------------------------------
AiDev IntCnt fifoCnt buffInt FrmTime MaxFrmTime TranLen IsrTime
0 1431 0 0 19996 22067 640 122
-----AI DEV STATUS1-------------------------------------------------------------
AiDev MaxIsrTime CBPhy CBSize ROffSet WOffSet
0 192 a0a6e000 1920 0 0
-----AI DEV EXTEND STATUS-------------------------------------------------------
AiDev enTrack bMute Volume
0 3 N 0
-----AI CHN STATUS--------------------------------------------------------------
AiDev AiChn State Read Write BufFul UsrQueLost UsrFrmDepth u32Data0 u32Data1 UserGet UserRls
0 0 enable 0 0 0 1350 30 7d407d4 b770b77 52 52
-----AI CHN RESAMPLE STATUS-----------------------------------------------------
AiDev AiChn State bResmp PoiNum InSampR OutSampR
0 0 enable Y 320 16kHZ 8kHZ
-----AI CHN VQE STATUS0---------------------------------------------------------
AiDev AiChn State bVqe workmod RATE PoiNum GainVol bAnr bAgc bEq bHpf bAec bRnr bHdr bDrc bPeq WrFile
0 0 enable Y comm 8kHZ 4096 0 N Y N N Y N N N N N
-----AI CHN VQE STATUS1---------------------------------------------------------
AiDev AiChn State bAgc bUsrmod NoiseSupSwi AdjustSpeed ImproveSNR MaxGain NoiseFloor OutputMode TargetLevel UseHPF
0 0 enable Y N 1 10 0 15 -65 0 -1 0
-----AI CHN VQE STATUS2---------------------------------------------------------
AiDev AiChn State bAec bUsrmod CngMode DTHnlStQTh NrAlPsEngy NrClnSupEngy AecAo AecFail
0 0 enable Y N open 16384 1 0 ( 0, 0) 1431
-----AI CHN VQE STATUS3---------------------------------------------------------
AiDev AiChn State bAec bUsrmod VcPrtctFrqL VcPrtctFrqL1 EcoBndLow EcoBndHgh EcoBndLow2 EcoBndHgh2
0 0 enable Y N 3 6 10 41 47 63
-----AI CHN VQE STATUS4---------------------------------------------------------
AiDev AiChn State bAec bUsrmod ERLBND[0] ERLBND[1] ERLBND[2] ERLBND[3] ERLBND[4] ERLBND[5]
0 0 enable Y N 4 6 36 49 50 51
-----AI CHN VQE STATUS5---------------------------------------------------------
AiDev AiChn State bAec bUsrmod ERL[0] ERL[1] ERL[2] ERL[3] ERL[4] ERL[5] ERL[6]
0 0 enable Y N 7 10 16 10 18 18 18
cat /proc/ummap/vo 打印如下:
~ # cat /proc/umap/ao
[AO] Version: [Hi3519V101_MPP_V2.0.3.0 B060 Release], Build Time: [May 13 2017, 17:40:55]
-----AO DEV ATTR----------------------------------------------------------------
AoDev WorkMod SampR BitWid ChnCnt ClkSel SoundMod PoiNum ExFlag FrmNum
0 i2s_mas 8kHZ 16bit 1 0 mono 640 1 30
-----AO DEV STATUS0-------------------------------------------------------------
AoDev IntCnt fifoCnt buffInt FrmTime MaxFrmTime TranLen IsrTime
0 7158 0 0 80000 80177 1280 11
-----AO DEV STATUS1-------------------------------------------------------------
AoDev MaxIsrTime CBPhy CBSize ROffSet WOffSet
0 21 a169a000 3840 0 a00
-----AO DEV EXTEND STATUS-------------------------------------------------------
AoDev enTrack bMute Volume
0 0 N 0
-----AO CHN STATUS--------------------------------------------------------------
AoDev AoChn State Read Write BufEmp u32Data0 u32Data1 bResmp PoiNum InSampR OutSampR
0 0 enable 0 0 7158 0 0 N 0 (null) (null)
-----AO CHN VQE STATUS0---------------------------------------------------------
AoDev AoChn State bVqe workmod RATE PoiNum bAnr bAgc bEq bHpf WrFile
0 0 enable N comm (null) 0 N N N N N
[code]~ # cat /dev/log2000/01/07 22:03:43.272011 [DSP][Error][Src/common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
~ # cat /dev/logmpp
3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)!
<3>[ ai] [Func]:AIGetChnData [Line]:490 [Info]:<3>[ ai] AI chn 0 get aec frame failed!
<3>[ ao] [Func]:AoGetData [Line]:235 [Info]:<3>[ ao] Ao(0, 0) frame size(1280) is not equal to Ai frame size(640)![/code];
出错打印: 2000/01/07 22:04:51.608846 [DSP][Error][Src/common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
common/audio/sampleHisi.c/HI_PcmAiImport-1843]: HI_MPI_AI_GetFrame(0, 0) failed 0xa0158009!
cat /proc/ummap/vi打印如下:
~ # cat /proc/umap/ai
[AI] Version: [Hi3519V101_MPP_V2.0.3.0 B060 Release], Build Time: [May 13 2017, 17:40:55]
-----AI DEV ATTR----------------------------------------------------------------
AiDev WorkMod SampR BitWid ChnCnt ClkSel SoundMod PoiNum ExFlag FrmNum
0 i2s_mas 16kHZ 16bit 1 0 mono 320 1 30
-----AI DEV STATUS0-------------------------------------------------------------
AiDev IntCnt fifoCnt buffInt FrmTime MaxFrmTime TranLen IsrTime
0 1431 0 0 19996 22067 640 122
-----AI DEV STATUS1-------------------------------------------------------------
AiDev MaxIsrTime CBPhy CBSize ROffSet WOffSet
0 192 a0a6e000 1920 0 0
-----AI DEV EXTEND STATUS-------------------------------------------------------
AiDev enTrack bMute Volume
0 3 N 0
-----AI CHN STATUS--------------------------------------------------------------
AiDev AiChn State Read Write BufFul UsrQueLost UsrFrmDepth u32Data0 u32Data1 UserGet UserRls
0 0 enable 0 0 0 1350 30 7d407d4 b770b77 52 52
-----AI CHN RESAMPLE STATUS-----------------------------------------------------
AiDev AiChn State bResmp PoiNum InSampR OutSampR
0 0 enable Y 320 16kHZ 8kHZ
-----AI CHN VQE STATUS0---------------------------------------------------------
AiDev AiChn State bVqe workmod RATE PoiNum GainVol bAnr bAgc bEq bHpf bAec bRnr bHdr bDrc bPeq WrFile
0 0 enable Y comm 8kHZ 4096 0 N Y N N Y N N N N N
-----AI CHN VQE STATUS1---------------------------------------------------------
AiDev AiChn State bAgc bUsrmod NoiseSupSwi AdjustSpeed ImproveSNR MaxGain NoiseFloor OutputMode TargetLevel UseHPF
0 0 enable Y N 1 10 0 15 -65 0 -1 0
-----AI CHN VQE STATUS2---------------------------------------------------------
AiDev AiChn State bAec bUsrmod CngMode DTHnlStQTh NrAlPsEngy NrClnSupEngy AecAo AecFail
0 0 enable Y N open 16384 1 0 ( 0, 0) 1431
-----AI CHN VQE STATUS3---------------------------------------------------------
AiDev AiChn State bAec bUsrmod VcPrtctFrqL VcPrtctFrqL1 EcoBndLow EcoBndHgh EcoBndLow2 EcoBndHgh2
0 0 enable Y N 3 6 10 41 47 63
-----AI CHN VQE STATUS4---------------------------------------------------------
AiDev AiChn State bAec bUsrmod ERLBND[0] ERLBND[1] ERLBND[2] ERLBND[3] ERLBND[4] ERLBND[5]
0 0 enable Y N 4 6 36 49 50 51
-----AI CHN VQE STATUS5---------------------------------------------------------
AiDev AiChn State bAec bUsrmod ERL[0] ERL[1] ERL[2] ERL[3] ERL[4] ERL[5] ERL[6]
0 0 enable Y N 7 10 16 10 18 18 18
cat /proc/ummap/vo 打印如下:
~ # cat /proc/umap/ao
[AO] Version: [Hi3519V101_MPP_V2.0.3.0 B060 Release], Build Time: [May 13 2017, 17:40:55]
-----AO DEV ATTR----------------------------------------------------------------
AoDev WorkMod SampR BitWid ChnCnt ClkSel SoundMod PoiNum ExFlag FrmNum
0 i2s_mas 8kHZ 16bit 1 0 mono 640 1 30
-----AO DEV STATUS0-------------------------------------------------------------
AoDev IntCnt fifoCnt buffInt FrmTime MaxFrmTime TranLen IsrTime
0 7158 0 0 80000 80177 1280 11
-----AO DEV STATUS1-------------------------------------------------------------
AoDev MaxIsrTime CBPhy CBSize ROffSet WOffSet
0 21 a169a000 3840 0 a00
-----AO DEV EXTEND STATUS-------------------------------------------------------
AoDev enTrack bMute Volume
0 0 N 0
-----AO CHN STATUS--------------------------------------------------------------
AoDev AoChn State Read Write BufEmp u32Data0 u32Data1 bResmp PoiNum InSampR OutSampR
0 0 enable 0 0 7158 0 0 N 0 (null) (null)
-----AO CHN VQE STATUS0---------------------------------------------------------
AoDev AoChn State bVqe workmod RATE PoiNum bAnr bAgc bEq bHpf WrFile
0 0 enable N comm (null) 0 N N N N N
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