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以下是在insmod 8723bu.ko及rtk_btusb.ko後所發生的情況,在開啟hci0的時候會發生tx timed out,目前也有測試先不安裝8723bu.ko後問題也一樣,不知道有沒有人發生過此問題
insmod 8723 driver
/mnt # insmod 8723bu.ko
RTL871X: module init start
RTL871X: rtl8723bu v4.3.6.11_12942.20141204_BTCOEX20140507-4E40
RTL871X: rtl8723bu BT-Coex version = BTCOEX20140507-4E40
RTL871X: rtw_ndev_init(wlan0)
RTL871X: rtw_ndev_init(wlan1)
usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl8723bu
RTL871X: module init ret=0
insmod rtk_btusb driver
/home # insmod rtk_btusb.ko
rtk_btusb: Realtek Bluetooth USB driver ver 3.1
rtk_btusb: rtk_usb_coex_init, version: 1.1
rtk_btusb: create workqueue
rtk_btusb: btusb_probe intf->cur_altsetting->desc.bInterfaceNumber=0
rtk_btusb: btusb_probe can_wakeup=1 flag2=0
rtk_btusb: patch_add
rtk_btusb: auto suspend is disabled
rtk_btusb: pid = 0xb720
rtk_btusb: btusb_open start pm_usage_cnt(0x0)
rtk_btusb: btusb_open hdev->promisc ==0
rtk_btusb: download_patch start
usbcore: registered new interface driver rtk_btusb
/home # rtk_btusb: read_ver_rsp->lmp_subver = 0xc3ff
rtk_btusb: patch_entry->lmp_sub = 0x8723
rtk_btusb: global_version is not set, get it!
rtk_btusb: gEVersion=255
rtk_btusb: eversion->status = 0x0, eversion->version = 0x1
rtk_btusb: Rtk patch end 1
rtk_btusb: create udpsocket, connect_port: 30001
rtk_btusb: send msg INVITE_REQ with len:11
rtk_btusb: btusb_open end pm_usage_cnt(0x0)
rtk_btusb: coex_info.hci_reversion = 1e4c
rtk_btusb: coex_info.lmp_subversion = c3ff
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
rtk_btusb: hci0 evt 3
rtk_btusb: btusb_notify : hci0 evt 3
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
rtk_btusb: btusb_flush add delay
rtk_btusb: btusb_close
rtk_btusb: btusb_close free ressembly i=3
rtk_btusb: release udp socket
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
using bluez5.25 to up the hci0
/home # ./hciconfig hci0 up
rtk_btusb: btusb_open start pm_usage_cnt(0x0)
rtk_btusb: btusb_open hdev->promisc ==0
rtk_btusb: download_patch start
rtk_btusb: read_ver_rsp->lmp_subver = 0xc3ff
rtk_btusb: patch_entry->lmp_sub = 0x8723
rtk_btusb: Rtk patch end 1
rtk_btusb: create udpsocket, connect_port: 30001
rtk_btusb: send msg INVITE_REQ with len:11
rtk_btusb: btusb_open end pm_usage_cnt(0x0)
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
rtk_btusb: coex_info.hci_reversion = 1e4c
rtk_btusb: coex_info.lmp_subversion = c3ff
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
rtk_btusb: btusb_flush add delay
rtk_btusb: btusb_close
rtk_btusb: btusb_close free ressembly i=3
rtk_btusb: release udp socket
Can't init device hci0: Connection timed out (110)
Check module
/home # lsmod
Module Size Used by Tainted: G
rtk_btusb 43171 0
8723bu 871606 0
insmod 8723 driver
/mnt # insmod 8723bu.ko
RTL871X: module init start
RTL871X: rtl8723bu v4.3.6.11_12942.20141204_BTCOEX20140507-4E40
RTL871X: rtl8723bu BT-Coex version = BTCOEX20140507-4E40
RTL871X: rtw_ndev_init(wlan0)
RTL871X: rtw_ndev_init(wlan1)
usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl8723bu
RTL871X: module init ret=0
insmod rtk_btusb driver
/home # insmod rtk_btusb.ko
rtk_btusb: Realtek Bluetooth USB driver ver 3.1
rtk_btusb: rtk_usb_coex_init, version: 1.1
rtk_btusb: create workqueue
rtk_btusb: btusb_probe intf->cur_altsetting->desc.bInterfaceNumber=0
rtk_btusb: btusb_probe can_wakeup=1 flag2=0
rtk_btusb: patch_add
rtk_btusb: auto suspend is disabled
rtk_btusb: pid = 0xb720
rtk_btusb: btusb_open start pm_usage_cnt(0x0)
rtk_btusb: btusb_open hdev->promisc ==0
rtk_btusb: download_patch start
usbcore: registered new interface driver rtk_btusb
/home # rtk_btusb: read_ver_rsp->lmp_subver = 0xc3ff
rtk_btusb: patch_entry->lmp_sub = 0x8723
rtk_btusb: global_version is not set, get it!
rtk_btusb: gEVersion=255
rtk_btusb: eversion->status = 0x0, eversion->version = 0x1
rtk_btusb: Rtk patch end 1
rtk_btusb: create udpsocket, connect_port: 30001
rtk_btusb: send msg INVITE_REQ with len:11
rtk_btusb: btusb_open end pm_usage_cnt(0x0)
rtk_btusb: coex_info.hci_reversion = 1e4c
rtk_btusb: coex_info.lmp_subversion = c3ff
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
rtk_btusb: hci0 evt 3
rtk_btusb: btusb_notify : hci0 evt 3
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
rtk_btusb: btusb_flush add delay
rtk_btusb: btusb_close
rtk_btusb: btusb_close free ressembly i=3
rtk_btusb: release udp socket
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
using bluez5.25 to up the hci0
/home # ./hciconfig hci0 up
rtk_btusb: btusb_open start pm_usage_cnt(0x0)
rtk_btusb: btusb_open hdev->promisc ==0
rtk_btusb: download_patch start
rtk_btusb: read_ver_rsp->lmp_subver = 0xc3ff
rtk_btusb: patch_entry->lmp_sub = 0x8723
rtk_btusb: Rtk patch end 1
rtk_btusb: create udpsocket, connect_port: 30001
rtk_btusb: send msg INVITE_REQ with len:11
rtk_btusb: btusb_open end pm_usage_cnt(0x0)
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
rtk_btusb: coex_info.hci_reversion = 1e4c
rtk_btusb: coex_info.lmp_subversion = c3ff
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout
rtk_btusb: btusb_flush add delay
rtk_btusb: btusb_close
rtk_btusb: btusb_close free ressembly i=3
rtk_btusb: release udp socket
Can't init device hci0: Connection timed out (110)
Check module
/home # lsmod
Module Size Used by Tainted: G
rtk_btusb 43171 0
8723bu 871606 0
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