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HI3518e用样例查看视频流出现 TIMEOUT
用ittb_stream 工具
./ittb_stream -p ov9712_720p_line.ini 执行。
另看到论坛有一个帖子说配置了一下GPIO地址就好了,请问在哪里配置GPIO 那个帖子地址:http://www.ebaina.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3679&extra=page%3D2
./ittb_stream -p ov9712_720p_line.ini
======================the chipid is :0x0 s32Port is 2333 bind ok! the begin of accept the file is configs/ov9712_720p_line.ini sensor_type: ov9712 mode:0 dllfile:libs/libsns_ov9712.so /**vi_dev****/ input_mod:2 work_mod:0 combine_mode:0 comp_mode:0 clock_edge:1 mask_0:ffc00000 mask_1:0 scan_mode:1 data_seq:2 vsync:1 vsyncneg:0 hsync:0 hsyncneg:0 vsyncvalid:0 vsyncvalidneg:0 timingblank_hsynchfb:408 timingblank_hsyncact:1280 timingblank_hsynchbb:0 timingblank_vsyncvfb:6 timingblank_vsyncvact:720 timingblank_vsyncvbb:6 timingblank_vsyncvbfb:0 timingblank_vsyncvbact:0 timingblank_vsyncvbbb:0 fixcode:0 fieldpolar:0 datapath:1 inputdatatype:1 timingblank_vsyncvbbb:0 /**vi_chn****/ caprect_x:0 caprect_Y:0 caprect_width:1280 caprect_height:720 destsize_width:1280 destsize_height:720 capsel:2 pixformat:19 srcframerate:-1 framerate:-1 /**vpss_group****/ vpss_pixfmt:19 vpss_dren:0 vpss_dben:0 vpss_ieen:1 vpss_nren:1 vpss_histen:1 vpss_diemode:0 /**vpss_chn****/ vpss_w:1280 vpss_h:720 /**isp_image****/ isp_w:1280 isp_h:720 isp_framerate:30 isp_bayer:3 /**isp_timing****/ isp_wndmode:0 isp_horwndstart:0 isp_horwndlength:1280 isp_verwndstart:0 isp_verwndlength:720 /**venc****/ rcmode:1 gop:30 stattime:1 vifrmrate:30 targetfrmrate:30 BitRate:4096 FluctuateLevel:1 /**bind****/ videv:0 vichn:0 vpssgrp:0 vpsschn:0 vencgrp:0 vencchn:0 vodev:0 vochn:0 visnapchn:0 vpsssnapgrp:0 vpsssnapchn:1 vencsnapgrp:1 vencsnapchn:1 /**vbcnt****/ VbCnt:9 [libmtran version: v0.0.1.0build2014_02_11_S] HI_MT_Init the mbuf 0's chnid:11 num:0 i:1 Mbuf Init cfg chnid 11 , max connect num 1, bufsize 921600 libmbuf version: v0.0.1.0build2014_02_11_S MBUF_Init vschn 11 , mbuf chn 0, buf_size:921600, buf_discard_threshold:1024 vschn 11 (mbufchn 0) user 0: pheader 413e0008 header size 40 pheader 413e0048 init the mbuf success open data_flag file error : No such file or directory MTRANS Init:conn num=1 minport-maxport=5000-6000,pack len=300. Start HI_VOD_Init.vod Successed. http Live svr Init ok. Start MediaTrans.http_streamsvr Successed. lib file = libs/libsns_ov9712.so init 3a success create vpssgrp(0) success! HI_MPI_SYS_Bind H264 vi(0,0)-vpss(0,0) ! 0 ------0 HI_MPI_SYS_Bind H264 vpss(0,0)-venc(0,0) ! --------------------stVoPubAttr.enIntfSync:0 -------------------------enIntfSync:0
-------------------------enIntfSync:0 333333333333333333333333333u32ChnWidth:720 333333333333333333333333333u32u32ChnHeight:576 HI_MPI_SYS_Bind H264 vpss(0,0)-vo(0,0) ! PLAY H264 E !!! HI_MPI_SYS_Bind jpeg 1 Vpss(0,1)-Venc(1,0) !
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