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自己移植的SD卡的FATFS文件系统,FATFS R0.09 (MDK STM32f103)【转】
自己移植的SD卡的FATFS文件系统,采用最新版FATFS R0.09,并且有详细的中文注释,和操作测试程序,完整的MDK STM32F103工程。下载即可使用。
/ FatFs - FAT file system module R0.09 (C)ChaN, 2011
/ FatFs module is a generic FAT file system module for small embedded systems.
/ This is a free software that opened for education, research and commercial
/ developments under license policy of following terms.
/ Copyright (C) 2011, ChaN, all right reserved.
/ * The FatFs module is a free software and there is NO WARRANTY.
/ * No restriction on use. You can use, modify and redistribute it for
/ personal, non-profit or commercial products UNDER YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
/ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice.
/*--------------File Info-------------------------------------------------------
** 文 件 名: FATFS_Function.c
** 作 者:~风中的叶~ 整理
** 最后修改日期: 2012.01.18
** 版 本: V1.0
** 描 述: FATFS常用功能测试函数 .连接PC机串口,观察超级终端输出
** Created by: Dt.
** Created date:
#include "TEST_FATFS.h"
#include "string.h"
BOOL disk_detect_OK(void)
if( disk_status(0)==STA_NODISK )/* Physical drive nmuber (0..) */
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void die(FRESULT res)
case FR_OK: //The function succeeded.
printf("\r\nThe function succeeded!\r\n");
case FR_NOT_READY://The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason
printf("\r\nThe disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason!\r\n");
case FR_NO_FILE://Could not find the file.
printf("\r\nCould not find the file!\r\n");
case FR_NO_PATH://Could not find the path
printf("\r\nCould not find the path!\r\n");
case FR_INVALID_NAME://The path name is invalid
printf("\r\nThe path name is invalid!\r\n");
case FR_INVALID_DRIVE://The drive number is invalid
printf("\r\nThe drive number is invalid!\r\n");
case FR_DENIED://The directory cannot be created due to directory table or disk is full.
printf("\r\nThe directory cannot be created due to directory table or disk is full!\r\n");
case FR_EXIST://A file or directory that has same name is already existing
printf("\r\nA file or directory that has same name is already existing!\r\n");
// case FR_RW_ERROR://The function failed due to a disk error or an internal error
case FR_RW_ERROR://The function failed due to a disk error or an internal error
printp("\r\nThe function failed due to a disk error or an internal error!\r\n");
case FR_WRITE_PROTECTED://The medium is write protected
printf("\r\nThe medium is write protected!\r\n");
case FR_NOT_ENABLED://The logical drive has no work area
printf("\r\nThe logical drive has no work area!\r\n");
case FR_NO_FILESYSTEM://There is no valid FAT partition on the disk
printf("\r\nThere is no valid FAT partition on the disk!\r\n");
case FR_INVALID_OBJECT://The file object is invalid
printf("\r\nThe file object is invalid!\r\n");
//The function aborted before start in format due to a reason as follows.
//The disk size is too small.
//Invalid parameter was given to any parameter.
//Not allowable cluster size for this drive. This can occure when number of clusters becomes around 0xFF7 and 0xFFF7.
printf("\r\nThe function aborted before start in format!\r\n");
void Test_f_getfree(void)//获取卡的总容量及剩余容量
FATFS *pfs;
DWORD clust;
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
if( disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return;
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);//安装FATFS,就是给FATFS分配空间
// Get free clusters
res = f_getfree("/", &clust, &pfs);//必须是根目录,默认磁盘0;"/"或者"0:/"
if ( res==FR_OK )
// Get free space
printf("\r\n%d MB total disk space.\r\n%d MB available on the disk.\r\n",
(DWORD)(pfs->n_fatent - 2) * pfs->csize /2/1024,//总的磁盘空间M =(总簇数-2)*每簇的扇区数/2/1024=可用簇数*每簇的扇区数/2/1024
clust * pfs->csize /2/1024);//空闲的磁盘空间M=剩余簇数*每簇的扇区数/2/1024
else die(res);//测试函数执行结果分析
// Unregister a work area before discard it
f_mount(0, NULL);//卸载FATFS,就是释放FATFS结构体所占空间
void Test_f_read(void)//读文件的数据,如果没有此文件则返回错误
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
FIL fsrc; // file objects
BYTE buffer[512]; // file copy buffer
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
UINT br; // File R count
u16 i;
char path[20];
if( disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return;
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
printf("\r\nread file:>");
//Open source file
res = f_open(&fsrc, path, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ);//打开存在的文件,如果没有则返回错误
for (;;)
res = f_read(&fsrc, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &br);
if (res ||(br == 0)) break; // error or eof
// Close all files
// Unregister a work area before discard it
f_mount(0, NULL);
void Test_f_write(void)//写数据到文件,如果没有此文件则创建文件
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
FIL Make_file;
char file_name[20];
char Storage_buffer[] ="0";
UINT bw;
if( disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return;
printf("\r\n inaert_ok:>");
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
printf("\r\n Make file Name:>");
res = f_open(&Make_file, file_name, FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE); //可写方式打开 没有文件则创建
printf("\r\n open_ok:>");
res = f_lseek(&Make_file, Make_file.fsize); //指针移到文件最后
printf("\r\n seek_ok:>");
res = f_write(&Make_file, Storage_buffer, (sizeof (Storage_buffer))-1 , &bw); //每次需要写入的数据字节数,去掉最后的\0所以-1
printf("\r\n write_ok:>");
res = f_lseek(&Make_file, Make_file.fsize); //指针移到文件最后
printf("\r\n close_ok:>");
// Unregister a work area before discard it
f_mount(0, NULL);
//The f_read function reads data from a file.
//把Stack_Size EQU 0x00000400 改为 Stack_Size EQU 0x00000800就正常了
u8 StrToData(u8 * data, u8 len)
u8 ltemp;
if(len == 1)
ltemp = data[0]-0x30;
else if(len == 2)
ltemp = (data[0]-0x30)*10 + (data[1]-0x30);
//else if(len == 3)
//ltemp = (data[0]-0x30)*100 + (data[1]-0x30)*10 + [data[2] - 0x30];
return ltemp;
int main(void)
SDCard_SpiInit();//SD卡的IO口及SPI模块初始化,PA2插入检测(H—>L);PA3 CD_CS片选;PA5 SCK;PA6 MISO;PA7 MOSI;低速模式
while (1)
FRESULT Test_f_mkfs(BYTE drv)//对卡进行格式化,驱动器号一般为0
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
//if(disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return ;
//printf("\r\n inaert_ok:>");
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(drv, &fs);
res=f_mkfs(drv, 0, 0);/* Create a file system on the drive 在驱动器创建一个文件系统(驱动器号,分区规则(0:FDISK, 1:SFD),分配的单元大小)*/
f_mount(0, NULL);
return res;
FRESULT Test_f_mkdir(const TCHAR* path)//创建一个新目录,输入目录的路径Test_f_mkdir("/dir");只能一级一级的建立目录
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
//if(disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return ;
//printf("\r\n inaert_ok:>");
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
f_mount(0, NULL);
return res;
FRESULT Test_f_deldir(const TCHAR* path)//删除一个目录,输入目录的路径;目录里的内容是空的才能删除Test_f_deldir("/dir");
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
//DIR dir;
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
//if(disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return ;
//printf("\r\n inaert_ok:>");
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
//f_opendir (&dir,path);
f_mount(0, NULL);
return res;
FRESULT Test_f_readdir(const TCHAR* path,char (*filename)[13])//获取目录中的文件,输入目录的路径;输出文件名和文件夹名Test_f_readdir("/DIR",name);char name[5][13]
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
DIR dir;
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
//if(disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return ;
//printf("\r\n inaert_ok:>");
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
f_opendir (&dir,path);
f_mount(0, NULL);
return res;
FRESULT Test_f_creat(const TCHAR* path)//建立文件,输入文件路径和文件名
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
FIL file;
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
//if(disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return ;
//printf("\r\n inaert_ok:>");
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
res=f_open(&file,path,FA_CREATE_NEW); //创建一个新文件。如果文件已存在,则创建失败//FA_CREATE_NEW创建一个新文件。如果文件已存在,则创建失败。
//FA_CREATE_ALWAYS //创建一个新文件。如果文件已存在,则它将被截断并覆盖。
//FA_OPEN_ALWAYS //如果文件存在,则打开;否则,创建一个新文件。
f_mount(0, NULL);
return res;
FRESULT Test_f_delfile(const TCHAR* path)//删除一个文件,输入文件的路径;Test_f_delfile("/dir");
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
//DIR dir;
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
//if(disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return ;
//printf("\r\n inaert_ok:>");
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
//f_opendir (&dir,path);
f_mount(0, NULL);
return res;
FRESULT Test_f_readfile(const TCHAR* path,char *buff,DWORD ofs,UINT strl)//读文件的数据,如果没有此文件则返回错误;输入文件的路径名,内容缓存,读取开始偏移指针,读取的字节数
{ //Test_f_readfile("/dir/r.txt",str,0,sizeof(strr));
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
FIL file; // file objects
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
UINT br; // File R count 文件读回的字节计数
//u16 i;
//if( disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return;
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
//Open source file
res = f_open(&file, path, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ);//打开存在的文件,如果没有则返回错误
res = f_lseek(&file,ofs); //指针移到文件ofs个字节处
//for (;;)
res = f_read(&file, buff, strl, &br);
//if (res ||(br == 0)) break; // error or eof如果错误或者到文件末尾则退出
// Close all files
// Unregister a work area before discard it
f_mount(0, NULL);
return res;
FRESULT Test_f_writefile(const TCHAR* path,char *buff,DWORD ofs,UINT strl)//写数据到文件,如果没有此文件则创建文件;输入文件的路径名,内容缓存,写开始偏移指针,写的字节数
{ //Test_f_writefile("/dir/r.txt",strw,0,strlen(strw));
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
FIL file;
UINT bw; //文件写入的字节计数
//if( disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return;
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
res = f_open(&file, path, FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE); //可写方式打开 没有文件则创建
res = f_lseek(&file, ofs); //指针移到文件ofs处;输入file.fsize指针移到文件最后
res = f_write(&file, buff, strl, &bw); //每次需要写入的数据字节数;如果btr为strlen(buff)则写入所有的字符
//res = f_lseek(&file, Make_file.fsize); //指针移到文件最后,一边再一次的写入
// Unregister a work area before discard it
f_mount(0, NULL);
return res;
FRESULT Test_f_getfreem(DWORD *freem)//获取卡的剩余容量单位为M
FATFS *pfs;
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
//if( disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return;
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);//安装FATFS,就是给FATFS分配空间
// Get free clusters
res = f_getfree("/",freem,&pfs);//必须是根目录,默认磁盘0;"/"或者"0:/"
if ( res==FR_OK )
// Get free space
//printf("\r\n%d MB total disk space.\r\n%d MB available on the disk.\r\n",
//(DWORD)(pfs->n_fatent - 2) * (pfs->csize) /2/1024,//总的磁盘空间M =(总簇数-2)*每簇的扇区数/2/1024=可用簇数*每簇的扇区数/2/1024
//else die(res);//测试函数执行结果分析
// Unregister a work area before discard it
f_mount(0, NULL);//卸载FATFS,就是释放FATFS结构体所占空间
return res;
/ Feb 26,'06 R0.00 Prototype.
/ Apr 29,'06 R0.01 First stable version.
/ Jun 01,'06 R0.02 Added FAT12 support.
/ Removed unbuffered mode.
/ Fixed a problem on small (<32M) partition.
/ Jun 10,'06 R0.02a Added a configuration option (_FS_MINIMUM).
/ Sep 22,'06 R0.03 Added f_rename().
/ Changed option _FS_MINIMUM to _FS_MINIMIZE.
/ Dec 11,'06 R0.03a Improved cluster scan algorithm to write files fast.
/ Fixed f_mkdir() creates incorrect directory on FAT32.
/ Feb 04,'07 R0.04 Supported multiple drive system.
/ Changed some interfaces for multiple drive system.
/ Changed f_mountdrv() to f_mount().
/ Added f_mkfs().
/ Apr 01,'07 R0.04a Supported multiple partitions on a physical drive.
/ Added a capability of extending file size to f_lseek().
/ Added minimization level 3.
/ Fixed an endian sensitive code in f_mkfs().
/ May 05,'07 R0.04b Added a configuration option _USE_NTFLAG.
/ Added FSInfo support.
/ Fixed DBCS name can result FR_INVALID_NAME.
/ Fixed short seek (<= csize) collapses the file object.
/ Aug 25,'07 R0.05 Changed arguments of f_read(), f_write() and f_mkfs().
/ Fixed f_mkfs() on FAT32 creates incorrect FSInfo.
/ Fixed f_mkdir() on FAT32 creates incorrect directory.
/ Feb 03,'08 R0.05a Added f_truncate() and f_utime().
/ Fixed off by one error at FAT sub-type determination.
/ Fixed btr in f_read() can be mistruncated.
/ Fixed cached sector is not flushed when create and close without write.
/ Apr 01,'08 R0.06 Added fputc(), fputs(), fprintf() and fgets().
/ Improved performance of f_lseek() on moving to the same or following cluster.
/ Apr 01,'09 R0.07 Merged Tiny-FatFs as a configuration option. (_FS_TINY)
/ Added long file name feature.
/ Added multiple code page feature.
/ Added re-entrancy for multitask operation.
/ Added auto cluster size selection to f_mkfs().
/ Added rewind option to f_readdir().
/ Changed result code of critical errors.
/ Renamed string functions to avoid name collision.
/ Apr 14,'09 R0.07a Separated out OS dependent code on reentrant cfg.
/ Added multiple sector size feature.
/ Jun 21,'09 R0.07c Fixed f_unlink() can return FR_OK on error.
/ Fixed wrong cache control in f_lseek().
/ Added relative path feature.
/ Added f_chdir() and f_chdrive().
/ Added proper case conversion to extended char.
/ Nov 03,'09 R0.07e Separated out configuration options from ff.h to ffconf.h.
/ Fixed f_unlink() fails to remove a sub-dir on _FS_RPATH.
/ Fixed name matching error on the 13 char boundary.
/ Added a configuration option, _LFN_UNICODE.
/ Changed f_readdir() to return the SFN with always upper case on non-LFN cfg.
/ May 15,'10 R0.08 Added a memory configuration option. (_USE_LFN = 3)
/ Added file lock feature. (_FS_SHARE)
/ Added fast seek feature. (_USE_FASTSEEK)
/ Changed some types on the API, XCHAR->TCHAR.
/ Changed fname member in the FILINFO structure on Unicode cfg.
/ String functions support UTF-8 encoding files on Unicode cfg.
/ Aug 16,'10 R0.08a Added f_getcwd(). (_FS_RPATH = 2)
/ Added sector erase feature. (_USE_ERASE)
/ Moved file lock semaphore table from fs object to the bss.
/ Fixed a wrong directory entry is created on non-LFN cfg when the given name contains ';'.
/ Fixed f_mkfs() creates wrong FAT32 volume.
/ Jan 15,'11 R0.08b Fast seek feature is also applied to f_read() and f_write().
/ f_lseek() reports required table size on creating CLMP.
/ Extended format syntax of f_printf function.
/ Ignores duplicated directory separators in given path names.
/ Sep 06,'11 R0.09 f_mkfs() supports multiple partition to finish the multiple partition feature.
/ Added f_fdisk(). (_MULTI_PARTITION = 2)
自己移植的SD卡的FATFS文件系统,采用最新版FATFS R0.09,并且有详细的中文注释,和操作测试程序,完整的MDK STM32F103工程。下载即可使用。
/ FatFs - FAT file system module R0.09 (C)ChaN, 2011
/ FatFs module is a generic FAT file system module for small embedded systems.
/ This is a free software that opened for education, research and commercial
/ developments under license policy of following terms.
/ Copyright (C) 2011, ChaN, all right reserved.
/ * The FatFs module is a free software and there is NO WARRANTY.
/ * No restriction on use. You can use, modify and redistribute it for
/ personal, non-profit or commercial products UNDER YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
/ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice.
/*--------------File Info-------------------------------------------------------
** 文 件 名: FATFS_Function.c
** 作 者:~风中的叶~ 整理
** 最后修改日期: 2012.01.18
** 版 本: V1.0
** 描 述: FATFS常用功能测试函数 .连接PC机串口,观察超级终端输出
** Created by: Dt.
** Created date:
#include "TEST_FATFS.h"
#include "string.h"
BOOL disk_detect_OK(void)
if( disk_status(0)==STA_NODISK )/* Physical drive nmuber (0..) */
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void die(FRESULT res)
case FR_OK: //The function succeeded.
printf("\r\nThe function succeeded!\r\n");
case FR_NOT_READY://The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason
printf("\r\nThe disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason!\r\n");
case FR_NO_FILE://Could not find the file.
printf("\r\nCould not find the file!\r\n");
case FR_NO_PATH://Could not find the path
printf("\r\nCould not find the path!\r\n");
case FR_INVALID_NAME://The path name is invalid
printf("\r\nThe path name is invalid!\r\n");
case FR_INVALID_DRIVE://The drive number is invalid
printf("\r\nThe drive number is invalid!\r\n");
case FR_DENIED://The directory cannot be created due to directory table or disk is full.
printf("\r\nThe directory cannot be created due to directory table or disk is full!\r\n");
case FR_EXIST://A file or directory that has same name is already existing
printf("\r\nA file or directory that has same name is already existing!\r\n");
// case FR_RW_ERROR://The function failed due to a disk error or an internal error
case FR_RW_ERROR://The function failed due to a disk error or an internal error
printp("\r\nThe function failed due to a disk error or an internal error!\r\n");
case FR_WRITE_PROTECTED://The medium is write protected
printf("\r\nThe medium is write protected!\r\n");
case FR_NOT_ENABLED://The logical drive has no work area
printf("\r\nThe logical drive has no work area!\r\n");
case FR_NO_FILESYSTEM://There is no valid FAT partition on the disk
printf("\r\nThere is no valid FAT partition on the disk!\r\n");
case FR_INVALID_OBJECT://The file object is invalid
printf("\r\nThe file object is invalid!\r\n");
//The function aborted before start in format due to a reason as follows.
//The disk size is too small.
//Invalid parameter was given to any parameter.
//Not allowable cluster size for this drive. This can occure when number of clusters becomes around 0xFF7 and 0xFFF7.
printf("\r\nThe function aborted before start in format!\r\n");
void Test_f_getfree(void)//获取卡的总容量及剩余容量
FATFS *pfs;
DWORD clust;
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
if( disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return;
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);//安装FATFS,就是给FATFS分配空间
// Get free clusters
res = f_getfree("/", &clust, &pfs);//必须是根目录,默认磁盘0;"/"或者"0:/"
if ( res==FR_OK )
// Get free space
printf("\r\n%d MB total disk space.\r\n%d MB available on the disk.\r\n",
(DWORD)(pfs->n_fatent - 2) * pfs->csize /2/1024,//总的磁盘空间M =(总簇数-2)*每簇的扇区数/2/1024=可用簇数*每簇的扇区数/2/1024
clust * pfs->csize /2/1024);//空闲的磁盘空间M=剩余簇数*每簇的扇区数/2/1024
else die(res);//测试函数执行结果分析
// Unregister a work area before discard it
f_mount(0, NULL);//卸载FATFS,就是释放FATFS结构体所占空间
void Test_f_read(void)//读文件的数据,如果没有此文件则返回错误
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
FIL fsrc; // file objects
BYTE buffer[512]; // file copy buffer
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
UINT br; // File R count
u16 i;
char path[20];
if( disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return;
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
printf("\r\nread file:>");
//Open source file
res = f_open(&fsrc, path, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ);//打开存在的文件,如果没有则返回错误
for (;;)
res = f_read(&fsrc, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &br);
if (res ||(br == 0)) break; // error or eof
// Close all files
// Unregister a work area before discard it
f_mount(0, NULL);
void Test_f_write(void)//写数据到文件,如果没有此文件则创建文件
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
FIL Make_file;
char file_name[20];
char Storage_buffer[] ="0";
UINT bw;
if( disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return;
printf("\r\n inaert_ok:>");
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
printf("\r\n Make file Name:>");
res = f_open(&Make_file, file_name, FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE); //可写方式打开 没有文件则创建
printf("\r\n open_ok:>");
res = f_lseek(&Make_file, Make_file.fsize); //指针移到文件最后
printf("\r\n seek_ok:>");
res = f_write(&Make_file, Storage_buffer, (sizeof (Storage_buffer))-1 , &bw); //每次需要写入的数据字节数,去掉最后的\0所以-1
printf("\r\n write_ok:>");
res = f_lseek(&Make_file, Make_file.fsize); //指针移到文件最后
printf("\r\n close_ok:>");
// Unregister a work area before discard it
f_mount(0, NULL);
//The f_read function reads data from a file.
//把Stack_Size EQU 0x00000400 改为 Stack_Size EQU 0x00000800就正常了
u8 StrToData(u8 * data, u8 len)
u8 ltemp;
if(len == 1)
ltemp = data[0]-0x30;
else if(len == 2)
ltemp = (data[0]-0x30)*10 + (data[1]-0x30);
//else if(len == 3)
//ltemp = (data[0]-0x30)*100 + (data[1]-0x30)*10 + [data[2] - 0x30];
return ltemp;
int main(void)
SDCard_SpiInit();//SD卡的IO口及SPI模块初始化,PA2插入检测(H—>L);PA3 CD_CS片选;PA5 SCK;PA6 MISO;PA7 MOSI;低速模式
while (1)
FRESULT Test_f_mkfs(BYTE drv)//对卡进行格式化,驱动器号一般为0
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
//if(disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return ;
//printf("\r\n inaert_ok:>");
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(drv, &fs);
res=f_mkfs(drv, 0, 0);/* Create a file system on the drive 在驱动器创建一个文件系统(驱动器号,分区规则(0:FDISK, 1:SFD),分配的单元大小)*/
f_mount(0, NULL);
return res;
FRESULT Test_f_mkdir(const TCHAR* path)//创建一个新目录,输入目录的路径Test_f_mkdir("/dir");只能一级一级的建立目录
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
//if(disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return ;
//printf("\r\n inaert_ok:>");
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
f_mount(0, NULL);
return res;
FRESULT Test_f_deldir(const TCHAR* path)//删除一个目录,输入目录的路径;目录里的内容是空的才能删除Test_f_deldir("/dir");
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
//DIR dir;
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
//if(disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return ;
//printf("\r\n inaert_ok:>");
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
//f_opendir (&dir,path);
f_mount(0, NULL);
return res;
FRESULT Test_f_readdir(const TCHAR* path,char (*filename)[13])//获取目录中的文件,输入目录的路径;输出文件名和文件夹名Test_f_readdir("/DIR",name);char name[5][13]
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
DIR dir;
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
//if(disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return ;
//printf("\r\n inaert_ok:>");
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
f_opendir (&dir,path);
f_mount(0, NULL);
return res;
FRESULT Test_f_creat(const TCHAR* path)//建立文件,输入文件路径和文件名
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
FIL file;
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
//if(disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return ;
//printf("\r\n inaert_ok:>");
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
res=f_open(&file,path,FA_CREATE_NEW); //创建一个新文件。如果文件已存在,则创建失败//FA_CREATE_NEW创建一个新文件。如果文件已存在,则创建失败。
//FA_CREATE_ALWAYS //创建一个新文件。如果文件已存在,则它将被截断并覆盖。
//FA_OPEN_ALWAYS //如果文件存在,则打开;否则,创建一个新文件。
f_mount(0, NULL);
return res;
FRESULT Test_f_delfile(const TCHAR* path)//删除一个文件,输入文件的路径;Test_f_delfile("/dir");
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
//DIR dir;
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
//if(disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return ;
//printf("\r\n inaert_ok:>");
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
//f_opendir (&dir,path);
f_mount(0, NULL);
return res;
FRESULT Test_f_readfile(const TCHAR* path,char *buff,DWORD ofs,UINT strl)//读文件的数据,如果没有此文件则返回错误;输入文件的路径名,内容缓存,读取开始偏移指针,读取的字节数
{ //Test_f_readfile("/dir/r.txt",str,0,sizeof(strr));
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
FIL file; // file objects
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
UINT br; // File R count 文件读回的字节计数
//u16 i;
//if( disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return;
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
//Open source file
res = f_open(&file, path, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ);//打开存在的文件,如果没有则返回错误
res = f_lseek(&file,ofs); //指针移到文件ofs个字节处
//for (;;)
res = f_read(&file, buff, strl, &br);
//if (res ||(br == 0)) break; // error or eof如果错误或者到文件末尾则退出
// Close all files
// Unregister a work area before discard it
f_mount(0, NULL);
return res;
FRESULT Test_f_writefile(const TCHAR* path,char *buff,DWORD ofs,UINT strl)//写数据到文件,如果没有此文件则创建文件;输入文件的路径名,内容缓存,写开始偏移指针,写的字节数
{ //Test_f_writefile("/dir/r.txt",strw,0,strlen(strw));
FATFS fs; // Work area (file system object) for logical drive
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
FIL file;
UINT bw; //文件写入的字节计数
//if( disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return;
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);
res = f_open(&file, path, FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE); //可写方式打开 没有文件则创建
res = f_lseek(&file, ofs); //指针移到文件ofs处;输入file.fsize指针移到文件最后
res = f_write(&file, buff, strl, &bw); //每次需要写入的数据字节数;如果btr为strlen(buff)则写入所有的字符
//res = f_lseek(&file, Make_file.fsize); //指针移到文件最后,一边再一次的写入
// Unregister a work area before discard it
f_mount(0, NULL);
return res;
FRESULT Test_f_getfreem(DWORD *freem)//获取卡的剩余容量单位为M
FATFS *pfs;
FRESULT res; // FatFs function common result code
//if( disk_detect_OK()==FALSE ) return;
// Register a work area for logical drive 0
f_mount(0, &fs);//安装FATFS,就是给FATFS分配空间
// Get free clusters
res = f_getfree("/",freem,&pfs);//必须是根目录,默认磁盘0;"/"或者"0:/"
if ( res==FR_OK )
// Get free space
//printf("\r\n%d MB total disk space.\r\n%d MB available on the disk.\r\n",
//(DWORD)(pfs->n_fatent - 2) * (pfs->csize) /2/1024,//总的磁盘空间M =(总簇数-2)*每簇的扇区数/2/1024=可用簇数*每簇的扇区数/2/1024
//else die(res);//测试函数执行结果分析
// Unregister a work area before discard it
f_mount(0, NULL);//卸载FATFS,就是释放FATFS结构体所占空间
return res;
/ Feb 26,'06 R0.00 Prototype.
/ Apr 29,'06 R0.01 First stable version.
/ Jun 01,'06 R0.02 Added FAT12 support.
/ Removed unbuffered mode.
/ Fixed a problem on small (<32M) partition.
/ Jun 10,'06 R0.02a Added a configuration option (_FS_MINIMUM).
/ Sep 22,'06 R0.03 Added f_rename().
/ Changed option _FS_MINIMUM to _FS_MINIMIZE.
/ Dec 11,'06 R0.03a Improved cluster scan algorithm to write files fast.
/ Fixed f_mkdir() creates incorrect directory on FAT32.
/ Feb 04,'07 R0.04 Supported multiple drive system.
/ Changed some interfaces for multiple drive system.
/ Changed f_mountdrv() to f_mount().
/ Added f_mkfs().
/ Apr 01,'07 R0.04a Supported multiple partitions on a physical drive.
/ Added a capability of extending file size to f_lseek().
/ Added minimization level 3.
/ Fixed an endian sensitive code in f_mkfs().
/ May 05,'07 R0.04b Added a configuration option _USE_NTFLAG.
/ Added FSInfo support.
/ Fixed DBCS name can result FR_INVALID_NAME.
/ Fixed short seek (<= csize) collapses the file object.
/ Aug 25,'07 R0.05 Changed arguments of f_read(), f_write() and f_mkfs().
/ Fixed f_mkfs() on FAT32 creates incorrect FSInfo.
/ Fixed f_mkdir() on FAT32 creates incorrect directory.
/ Feb 03,'08 R0.05a Added f_truncate() and f_utime().
/ Fixed off by one error at FAT sub-type determination.
/ Fixed btr in f_read() can be mistruncated.
/ Fixed cached sector is not flushed when create and close without write.
/ Apr 01,'08 R0.06 Added fputc(), fputs(), fprintf() and fgets().
/ Improved performance of f_lseek() on moving to the same or following cluster.
/ Apr 01,'09 R0.07 Merged Tiny-FatFs as a configuration option. (_FS_TINY)
/ Added long file name feature.
/ Added multiple code page feature.
/ Added re-entrancy for multitask operation.
/ Added auto cluster size selection to f_mkfs().
/ Added rewind option to f_readdir().
/ Changed result code of critical errors.
/ Renamed string functions to avoid name collision.
/ Apr 14,'09 R0.07a Separated out OS dependent code on reentrant cfg.
/ Added multiple sector size feature.
/ Jun 21,'09 R0.07c Fixed f_unlink() can return FR_OK on error.
/ Fixed wrong cache control in f_lseek().
/ Added relative path feature.
/ Added f_chdir() and f_chdrive().
/ Added proper case conversion to extended char.
/ Nov 03,'09 R0.07e Separated out configuration options from ff.h to ffconf.h.
/ Fixed f_unlink() fails to remove a sub-dir on _FS_RPATH.
/ Fixed name matching error on the 13 char boundary.
/ Added a configuration option, _LFN_UNICODE.
/ Changed f_readdir() to return the SFN with always upper case on non-LFN cfg.
/ May 15,'10 R0.08 Added a memory configuration option. (_USE_LFN = 3)
/ Added file lock feature. (_FS_SHARE)
/ Added fast seek feature. (_USE_FASTSEEK)
/ Changed some types on the API, XCHAR->TCHAR.
/ Changed fname member in the FILINFO structure on Unicode cfg.
/ String functions support UTF-8 encoding files on Unicode cfg.
/ Aug 16,'10 R0.08a Added f_getcwd(). (_FS_RPATH = 2)
/ Added sector erase feature. (_USE_ERASE)
/ Moved file lock semaphore table from fs object to the bss.
/ Fixed a wrong directory entry is created on non-LFN cfg when the given name contains ';'.
/ Fixed f_mkfs() creates wrong FAT32 volume.
/ Jan 15,'11 R0.08b Fast seek feature is also applied to f_read() and f_write().
/ f_lseek() reports required table size on creating CLMP.
/ Extended format syntax of f_printf function.
/ Ignores duplicated directory separators in given path names.
/ Sep 06,'11 R0.09 f_mkfs() supports multiple partition to finish the multiple partition feature.
/ Added f_fdisk(). (_MULTI_PARTITION = 2)
文件: STM32的SD卡FATFS.rar
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