【MCU】16bit CPU设计实战(一)
ARM CPU的完备SDK、软件生态对于加速MCU设计而言可谓是有如神助,作为ICer,我在设计完成MCU RTL后,即可利用ARM提供的SDK快速完成MCU的系统验证,避免要自己一一开发软件驱动的重复性繁琐工作。
ARM是否被英伟达收购犹未可知,海思的麒麟芯片的CPU、mali GPU仍是公版arm软核,受制于人。
1、arm授权的CPU、Mali GPU
2、安卓系统(鸿蒙 逆境而生)
The Instruction Format and Instruction Set Architecture for the 16-bit single-cycle MIPS are as follows:
Instruction set for the MIPS processor
Instruction Set Architecture for the MIPS processor
我们选取更为容易实现的单周期指令来实现CPU设计:1. Add : R[rd] = R[rs] + R[rt]
- Subtract : R[rd] = R[rs] - R[rt]
- And: R[rd] = R[rs] & R[rt]
- Or : R[rd] = R[rs] | R[rt]
- SLT: R[rd] = 1 if R[rs]
- Jr: PC=R[rs]
- Lw: R[rt] = M[R[rs]+SignExtImm]
- Sw : M[R[rs]+SignExtImm] = R[rt]
- Beq : if(R[rs]==R[rt]) PC=PC+1+BranchAddr
- Addi: R[rt] = R[rs] + SignExtImm
- J : PC=JumpAddr
- Jal : R[7]=PC+2;PC=JumpAddr
- SLTI: R[rt] = 1 if R[rs]
SignExtImm = { 9{immediate[6]}, imm}
JumpAddr = { (PC+1)[15:13], address}
BranchAddr = { 7{immediate[6]}, immediate, 1’b0 }
// Submodule: Data memory in Verilog
<pre style="line-height: 23.1px;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 136, 0);font-weight: bold;"></span>
- 1
<pre class="code-snippet__js" data-lang="properties">```
<span class="code-snippet_outer"><span class="code-snippet__attr">module</span> <span class="code-snippet__string">data_memory </span></span>
- 1
- 2
<span class="code-snippet_outer"> <span class="code-snippet__attr">input</span> <span class="code-snippet__string">clk, </span></span>
- 1
address input, shared by read and write port
<span class="code-snippet_outer"> <span class="code-snippet__attr">input</span> <span class="code-snippet__string">[15:0] mem_access_addr, </span></span>
- 1
write port
<span class="code-snippet_outer"> <span class="code-snippet__attr">input</span> <span class="code-snippet__string">[15:0] mem_write_data, </span></span>
- 1
input mem_write_en,
<span class="code-snippet_outer"> <span class="code-snippet__attr">input</span> <span class="code-snippet__string">mem_read, </span></span>
- 1
read port
<span class="code-snippet_outer"> <span class="code-snippet__attr">output</span> <span class="code-snippet__string">[15:0] mem_read_data </span></span>
- 1
<span class="code-snippet_outer"> <span class="code-snippet__attr">integer</span> <span class="code-snippet__string">i; </span></span>
- 1
reg [15:0] ram [255:0];
<span class="code-snippet_outer"> <span class="code-snippet__attr">wire</span> <span class="code-snippet__string">[7 : 0] ram_addr = mem_access_addr[8 : 1]; </span></span>
- 1
initial begin
<span class="code-snippet_outer"> <span class="code-snippet__meta">for(i</span>=<span class="code-snippet__string">0;i</span></span>
- 1
<span class="code-snippet_outer"> <span class="code-snippet__attr">end</span> <span class="code-snippet__string"></span></span>
- 1
always @(posedge clk) begin
<span class="code-snippet_outer"> <span class="code-snippet__attr">if</span> <span class="code-snippet__string">(mem_write_en) </span></span>
- 1
<span class="code-snippet_outer"> <span class="code-snippet__attr">end</span> <span class="code-snippet__string"></span></span>
- 1
assign mem_read_data = (mem_read==1'b1) ? ram[ram_addr]: 16'd0;
<span class="code-snippet_outer"> <span class="code-snippet__attr">endmodule</span></span>
- 1
``` #### **Verilog code for ALU Control unit:** ```// Submodule: ALU Control Unit in Verilog
``` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - `````` module ALUControl( ALU_Control, ALUOp, Function); `````` output reg[2:0] ALU_Control; `````` input [1:0] ALUOp; `````` input [3:0] Function; `````` wire [5:0] ALUControlIn; `````` assign ALUControlIn = {ALUOp,Function}; `````` always @(ALUControlIn) `````` casex (ALUControlIn) `````` 6'b11xxxx: ALU_Control=3'b000; `````` 6'b10xxxx: ALU_Control=3'b100; `````` 6'b01xxxx: ALU_Control=3'b001; `````` 6'b000000: ALU_Control=3'b000; `````` 6'b000001: ALU_Control=3'b001; `````` 6'b000010: ALU_Control=3'b010; `````` 6'b000011: ALU_Control=3'b011; `````` 6'b000100: ALU_Control=3'b100; `````` default: ALU_Control=3'b000; `````` endcase `````` endmodule `````` // Verilog code for JR control unit `````` module JR_Control( input[1:0] alu_op, `````` input [3:0] funct, `````` output JRControl `````` ); `````` assign JRControl = ({alu_op,funct}==6'b001000) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; `````` endmodule ``` ``` ```
``` #### **Verilog code for control unit:** ```
// Submodule: Control Unit in Verilog
``` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - `````` module control( input[2:0] opcode, `````` input reset, `````` output reg[1:0] reg_dst,mem_to_reg,alu_op, `````` output reg jump,branch,mem_read,mem_write,alu_src,reg_write,sign_or_zero `````` `````` always @(*) `````` begin `````` = 1'b1) begin `````` = reg_dst = 2'b00; `````` mem_to_reg = 2'b00; `````` alu_op = 2'b00; `````` jump = 1'b0; `````` branch = 1'b0; `````` mem_read = 1'b0; `````` mem_write = 1'b0; `````` alu_src = 1'b0; `````` reg_write = 1'b0; `````` sign_or_zero = 1'b1; `````` end `````` else begin `````` `````` begin // add `````` : reg_dst = 2'b01; `````` mem_to_reg = 2'b00; `````` alu_op = 2'b00; `````` jump = 1'b0; `````` branch = 1'b0; `````` mem_read = 1'b0; `````` mem_write = 1'b0; `````` alu_src = 1'b0; `````` reg_write = 1'b1; `````` sign_or_zero = 1'b1; `````` end `````` begin // sli `````` : reg_dst = 2'b00; `````` mem_to_reg = 2'b00; `````` alu_op = 2'b10; `````` jump = 1'b0; `````` branch = 1'b0; `````` mem_read = 1'b0; `````` mem_write = 1'b0; `````` alu_src = 1'b1; `````` reg_write = 1'b1; `````` sign_or_zero = 1'b0; `````` end `````` begin // j `````` : reg_dst = 2'b00; `````` mem_to_reg = 2'b00; `````` alu_op = 2'b00; `````` jump = 1'b1; `````` branch = 1'b0; `````` mem_read = 1'b0; `````` mem_write = 1'b0; `````` alu_src = 1'b0; `````` reg_write = 1'b0; `````` sign_or_zero = 1'b1; `````` end `````` begin // jal `````` : reg_dst = 2'b10; `````` mem_to_reg = 2'b10; `````` alu_op = 2'b00; `````` jump = 1'b1; `````` branch = 1'b0; `````` mem_read = 1'b0; `````` mem_write = 1'b0; `````` alu_src = 1'b0; `````` reg_write = 1'b1; `````` sign_or_zero = 1'b1; `````` end `````` begin // lw `````` : reg_dst = 2'b00; `````` mem_to_reg = 2'b01; `````` alu_op = 2'b11; `````` jump = 1'b0; `````` branch = 1'b0; `````` mem_read = 1'b1; `````` mem_write = 1'b0; `````` alu_src = 1'b1; `````` reg_write = 1'b1; `````` sign_or_zero = 1'b1; `````` end `````` begin // sw `````` : reg_dst = 2'b00; `````` mem_to_reg = 2'b00; `````` alu_op = 2'b11; `````` jump = 1'b0; `````` branch = 1'b0; `````` mem_read = 1'b0; `````` mem_write = 1'b1; `````` alu_src = 1'b1; `````` reg_write = 1'b0; `````` sign_or_zero = 1'b1; `````` end `````` begin // beq `````` : reg_dst = 2'b00; `````` mem_to_reg = 2'b00; `````` alu_op = 2'b01; `````` jump = 1'b0; `````` branch = 1'b1; `````` mem_read = 1'b0; `````` mem_write = 1'b0; `````` alu_src = 1'b0; `````` reg_write = 1'b0; `````` sign_or_zero = 1'b1; `````` end `````` begin // addi `````` : reg_dst = 2'b00; `````` mem_to_reg = 2'b00; `````` alu_op = 2'b11; `````` jump = 1'b0; `````` branch = 1'b0; `````` mem_read = 1'b0; `````` mem_write = 1'b0; `````` alu_src = 1'b1; `````` reg_write = 1'b1; `````` sign_or_zero = 1'b1; `````` end `````` default: begin `````` reg_dst = 2'b01; `````` mem_to_reg = 2'b00; `````` alu_op = 2'b00; `````` jump = 1'b0; `````` branch = 1'b0; `````` mem_read = 1'b0; `````` mem_write = 1'b0; `````` alu_src = 1'b0; `````` reg_write = 1'b1; `````` sign_or_zero = 1'b1; `````` end `````` endcase `````` end `````` end `````` endmodule ``` ``` ### **Verilog code for the single-cycle MIPS processor:** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - `````` module mips_16( input clk,reset, `````` 0] pc_out, alu_result `````` : `````` `````` 0] pc_current; `````` : wire signed[15:0] pc_next,pc2; `````` wire [15:0] instr; `````` 0] reg_dst,mem_to_reg,alu_op; `````` : wire jump,branch,mem_read,mem_write,alu_src,reg_write ; `````` wire [2:0] reg_write_dest; `````` wire [15:0] reg_write_data; `````` wire [2:0] reg_read_addr_1; `````` wire [15:0] reg_read_data_1; `````` wire [2:0] reg_read_addr_2; `````` wire [15:0] reg_read_data_2; `````` wire [15:0] sign_ext_im,read_data2,zero_ext_im,imm_ext; `````` wire JRControl; `````` wire [2:0] ALU_Control; `````` wire [15:0] ALU_out; `````` wire zero_flag; `````` wire signed[15:0] im_shift_1, PC_j, PC_beq, PC_4beq,PC_4beqj,PC_jr; `````` wire beq_control; `````` wire [14:0] jump_shift_1; `````` wire [15:0]mem_read_data; `````` wire [15:0] no_sign_ext; `````` wire sign_or_zero; `````` PC `````` always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) `````` begin `````` `````` pc_current `````` else `````` pc_current `````` end `````` PC + 2 `````` assign pc2 = pc_current + 16'd2; `````` instruction memory `````` instr_mem instrucion_memory(.pc(pc_current),.instruction(instr)); `````` jump shift left 1 `````` assign jump_shift_1 = {instr[13:0],1'b0}; `````` control unit `````` control control_unit(.reset(reset),.opcode(instr[15:13]),.reg_dst(reg_dst) `````` `````` `````` multiplexer regdest `````` assign reg_write_dest = (reg_dst==2'b10) ? 3'b111: ((reg_dst==2'b01) ? instr[6:4] :instr[9:7]); `````` register file `````` assign reg_read_addr_1 = instr[12:10]; `````` assign reg_read_addr_2 = instr[9:7]; `````` register_file reg_file(.clk(clk),.rst(reset),.reg_write_en(reg_write), `````` `````` `````` `````` `````` `````` `````` `````` `````` sign extend `````` assign sign_ext_im = {{9{instr[6]}},instr[6:0]}; `````` assign zero_ext_im = {{9{1'b0}},instr[6:0]}; `````` assign imm_ext = (sign_or_zero==1'b1) ? sign_ext_im : zero_ext_im; `````` JR control `````` JR_Control JRControl_unit(.alu_op(alu_op),.funct(instr[3:0]),.JRControl(JRControl)); `````` ALU control unit `````` ALUControl ALU_Control_unit(.ALUOp(alu_op),.Function(instr[3:0]),.ALU_Control(ALU_Control)); `````` multiplexer alu_src `````` assign read_data2 = (alu_src==1'b1) ? imm_ext : reg_read_data_2; `````` ALU `````` alu alu_unit(.a(reg_read_data_1),.b(read_data2),.alu_control(ALU_Control),.result(ALU_out),.zero(zero_flag)); `````` immediate shift 1 `````` assign im_shift_1 = {imm_ext[14:0],1'b0}; `````` `````` assign no_sign_ext = ~(im_shift_1) + 1'b1; `````` PC beq add `````` assign PC_beq = (im_shift_1[15] == 1'b1) ? (pc2 - no_sign_ext): (pc2 +im_shift_1); `````` beq control `````` assign beq_control = branch & zero_flag; `````` PC_beq `````` assign PC_4beq = (beq_control==1'b1) ? PC_beq : pc2; `````` PC_j `````` assign PC_j = {pc2[15],jump_shift_1}; `````` PC_4beqj `````` assign PC_4beqj = (jump == 1'b1) ? PC_j : PC_4beq; `````` PC_jr `````` assign PC_jr = reg_read_data_1; `````` PC_next `````` assign pc_next = (JRControl==1'b1) ? PC_jr : PC_4beqj; `````` data memory `````` data_memory datamem(.clk(clk),.mem_access_addr(ALU_out), `````` `````` `````` write back `````` assign reg_write_data = (mem_to_reg == 2'b10) ? pc2:((mem_to_reg == 2'b01)? mem_read_data: ALU_out); `````` output `````` assign pc_out = pc_current; `````` assign alu_result = ALU_out; `````` endmodule ``` ``` ### **Verilog testbench code for the single-cycle MIPS processor:** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - `````` `timescale 1ns / 1ps `````` // Verilog project: Verilog code for 16-bit MIPS Processor `````` // Testbench Verilog code for 16 bit single cycle MIPS CPU `````` module tb_mips16; `````` // Inputs `````` reg clk; `````` reg reset; `````` // Outputs `````` wire [15:0] pc_out; `````` wire [15:0] alu_result;//,reg3,reg4; `````` // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) `````` mips_16 uut ( `````` .clk(clk), `````` .reset(reset), `````` .pc_out(pc_out), `````` .alu_result(alu_result) `````` //.reg3(reg3), `````` // .reg4(reg4) `````` ); `````` initial begin `````` clk = 0; `````` forever #10 clk = ~clk; `````` end `````` initial begin `````` // Initialize Inputs `````` //$monitor ("register 3=%d, register 4=%d", reg3,reg4); `````` reset = 1; `````` // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish `````` #100; `````` reset = 0; `````` // Add stimulus here `````` end `````` endmodule ``` ``` 感谢阅读,别走!点赞、关注、转发后再走吧  参考链接: https://www.fpga4student.com/2017/01/verilog-code-for-single-cycle-MIPS-processor.html 转载:全栈芯片工程师<<<<<<<<
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