【全志平台】A64平台 TP9950 BT656输入驱动调试(1)环境搭建&驱动编写
1. 前言
2. A64平台环境搭建
配置完后 运行 ./build.sh
(2) 打包
./build.sh pack
3. BT656接口camera驱动编写
a. 修改sensor name, 配置TP9950 init reg
b. i2c addr 0x44 (1000100)
我这边调试的设备TP9950,查看datasheet 得出I2C地址是0x44
使用 BT656 接口的器件时,如 TV decoder,一般是输入 PAL/NTSC 两种格式的视频信号,
其信号一般是固定为 UYVY 的,只需要填写一组即可。
static struct sensor_format_struct {
__u8 *desc;
//__u32 pixelformat;
enum v4l2_mbus_pixelcode mbus_code;
struct regval_list *regs;
int regs_size;
int bpp; /* Bytes per pixel */
} sensor_formats[] = {
.desc = "UYVY 4:2:2",
.mbus_code = V4L2_MBUS_FMT_UYVY8_2X8,
.regs = sensor_fmt_yuv422_uyvy,
.regs_size = ARRAY_SIZE(sensor_fmt_yuv422_uyvy),
.bpp = 2,
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并口的 sensor 填写接口参数(YUV/RAW)
static int sensor_g_mbus_config(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
struct v4l2_mbus_config *cfg)
cfg->type = V4L2_MBUS_PARALLEL;
return 0;
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BT656 信号输入时候填写接口参数(YUV)
static int sensor_g_mbus_config(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
struct v4l2_mbus_config *cfg)
cfg->type = V4L2_MBUS_BT656;
cfg->flags = 0 ;//no use here
return 0;
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BT656 的设备可以仅仅实现 PAL/NTSC 两种 size,其中 PAL 的是每秒 50 场/25fps,NTSC
是每秒 60 场/30fps,一般是将这种信号以 frame 的形式接受下来(与主控后面显示和编码有
关,一般是接收成 frame 的形式)。如果该器件有其他格式的话逐个实现即可。
static struct sensor_win_size sensor_win_sizes[] = {
/* PAL */
.width = 704,
.height = 480,
.hoffset = 0,
.voffset = 0,
.regs = sensor_pal_regs,
.regs_size = ARRAY_SIZE(sensor_pal_regs),
.set_size = NULL,
/* NTSC */
.width = 704
.height = 576,
.hoffset = 0,
.voffset = 0,
.regs = sensor_ntsc_regs,
.regs_size = ARRAY_SIZE(sensor_ntsc_regs),
.set_size = NULL,
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insmod videobuf2-core.ko
insmod videobuf2-memops.ko
insmod videobuf2-dma-contig.ko
insmod vfe_io.ko
insmod tp9950.ko
insmod vfe_v4l2.ko
# [ 104.510035] [VFE]probe_work_handle start!
[ 104.514633] [VFE]vfe_runtime_resume
[ 104.530018] [VFE]..........................vfe clk open!.......................
[ 104.538011] [VFE]v4l2 subdev register input_num = 0
[ 104.543753] [VFE_ERR]get regulator csi_flvdd error!
[ 104.549074] [VFE_ERR]vfe_device_regulator_get error at input_num = 0
[ 104.556228] [VFE]v4l2 subdev register input_num = 1
[ 104.561657] axp81x_aldo1: Failed to create debugfs directory
[ 104.567839] axp81x_aldo2: Failed to create debugfs directory
[ 104.574235] axp81x_eldo3: Failed to create debugfs directory
[ 104.580526] [VFE_ERR]get regulator csi_flvdd error!
[ 104.585846] [VFE_ERR]vfe_device_regulator_get error at input_num = 1
[ 104.593000] [VFE]V4L2 device registered as (null)
[ 104.598173] [VFE]vfe_runtime_suspend
[ 104.602228] [VFE]..........................vfe clk close!.......................
[ 104.616673] [VFE]probe_work_handle end!
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[ 38.626013] [VFE]cci probe end cci_sel = 0!
[ 38.631032] [VFE]cci_init end
# insmod tp9950.ko
# insmod vfe_v4l2.ko
[ 47.275979] [VFE]Welcome to Video Front End driver
[ 47.281644] [VFE]csi0 probe end!
[ 47.285597] [VFE]csi_init end
[ 47.289679] [ISP] isp platform_id = 3!
[ 47.293931] [VFE]isp0 probe end!
[ 47.297837] [VFE]sunxi_isp_platform_register end
[ 47.303322] [VFE]mipi_init end
[ 47.306654] [VFE]flash_init end
[ 47.311851] [VFE]pdev->id = 0
[ 47.315086] [VFE]dev->cci_sel = 0
[ 47.318698] [VFE]dev->csi_sel = 0
[ 47.322541] [VFE]dev->mipi_sel = 0
[ 47.326249] [VFE]dev->isp_sel = 0
[ 47.329875] [VFE_WARN]fetch csi0_dev0_twi_id from device_tree failed
[ 47.337085] [VFE_WARN]fetch csi0_dev0_afvdd from device_tree failed
[ 47.344050] [VFE_WARN]fetch csi0_dev0_afvdd_vol from device_tree failed
[ 47.351401] [VFE_WARN]fetch csi0_dev0_power_en from device_tree failed
[ 47.358555] [VFE_WARN]fetch csi0_dev0_flash_en from device_tree failed
[ 47.365930] [VFE_WARN]fetch csi0_dev0_flash_mode from device_tree failed
[ 47.373375] [VFE_WARN]fetch csi0_dev0_flvdd from device_tree failed
[ 47.380340] [VFE_WARN]fetch csi0_dev0_af_pwdn from device_tree failed
[ 47.387980] [VFE]vfe_init end
[ 47.391291] [VFE]probe_work_handle start!
[ 47.395871] [VFE]vfe_runtime_resume
# [ 47.411931] [VFE]..........................vfe clk open!.......................
[ 47.420069] [VFE]v4l2 subdev register input_num = 0
[ 47.425574] [VFE]vfe sensor detect start! input_num = 0
[ 47.431472] [VFE_WARN]NOT found this item: tp9950, you can add this sensor in the sensor_list_t!
[ 47.441325] [VFE]Sub device register "tp9950" i2c_addr = 0x44 start!
[ 47.448262] [VFE]v4l2_device_register_subdev return 0
[ 47.454003] [VFE]registered sensor subdev is OK!
[ 47.459037] [VFE]Check sensor!
[ 47.475237] [TW2866]CSI_SUBDEV_PWR_ON!
[ 47.480632] [VFE]mclk on
[ 47.551459] [TW2866]sensor_init
[ 47.555175] [VFE CCI_0 ERR] Status error at addr_8bit = 44, wr_flag = 1, val = ff
[ 47.563723] [VFE CCI_0 ERR] Status error at addr_8bit = 44, wr_flag = 1, val = ff
[ 47.572264] [VFE CCI_0 ERR] Status error at addr_8bit = 44, wr_flag = 1, val = ff
[ 47.580577] tp9950 sensor read retry=2
[ 47.584663] [TW2866]error at sensor_detect
[ 47.589129] [TW2866]chip found is not an target chip.
[ 47.594876] [TW2866]CSI_SUBDEV_PWR_OFF!
[ 47.599057] [VFE]mclk off
[ 47.638470] [VFE]vfe sensor subdev unregister!
[ 47.643407] [VFE]Sub device register "tp9950" failed!
[ 47.648918] [VFE_ERR]vfe sensor register check error at input_num = 0
[ 47.656178] [VFE]V4L2 device registered as (null)
[ 47.661442] [VFE]vfe_runtime_suspend
[ 47.665339] [VFE]..........................vfe clk close!.......................
[ 47.679781] [VFE]probe_work_handle end!
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